[C2hs] bug in C2HSMarsh.extractBitMasks function

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at worc.ox.ac.uk
Mon May 9 07:31:57 EDT 2005


> extractBitMasks bits =
>   [bm | bm <- [minBound..maxBound], bits `containsBitMask` bm]

Sadly this does not work since [minBound..maxBound] uses succ to
enmerate the flags and the Enum instance that c2hs generates does not
include a definition of succ and the default assumes that the enum is
packed whereas of course for flags it is sparse (only has values for

We had this bug in gtk2hs too:

> toFlags :: Flags a => Int -> [a]
> toFlags n = andNum n minBound
>     where
>       andNum n m = (if (n .|. fromEnum m) == n then (m:) else id)
>         (if fromEnum m==fromEnum (maxBound `asTypeOf` m) then [] else andNum n (succ m))

We changed this to:

> toFlags :: Flags a => Int -> [a]
> toFlags f = testBits f 1
>   where testBits f n
>           | f == 0        = []
>           | f `testBit` 0 = toEnum n : testBits (f `shiftR` 1) (n `shiftL` 1)
>           | otherwise     =            testBits (f `shiftR` 1) (n `shiftL` 1)

So, extractBitMasks needs fixing, probably in a similar way.


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