[Blobs] Blobs as a visual interface for DSEL

Alain Cremieux alcremi at pobox.com
Fri Nov 11 16:00:20 EST 2005

I have always thought there was a strong connection between a DSEL and a 
diagram editor.
But if Haskell is a language of choice for DSEL, creating a diagramming 
front-end seemed in Haskell seemed quite a lot of work.
And good diagramming tools are very rare: I use Dia, but it would 
require customizing shapes and other things to be used as a diagram 
producer, and needs a post-processor to adapt its file-format to the 
input of a DSEL processor.
So I have great hope that Blobs will be the solution, when it is 
released, towards a full Haskell tool-chain.

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