[Haskell-beginners] data type
Francesco Ariis
fa-ml at ariis.it
Fri May 29 10:03:48 UTC 2020
Hello Alexander.
Il 29 maggio 2020 alle 11:55 Alexander Chen ha scritto:
> import Data.Time
> data DatabaseItem = DbString String
> | DbNumber Integer
> | DbDate UTCTime
> deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
> theDatabase :: [DatabaseItem]
> theDatabase =
> [ DbDate (UTCTime
> (fromGregorian 1911 5 1)
> (secondsToDiffTime 34250))
> , DbNumber 9001
> , DbString "Hello, world!"
> , DbDate (UTCTime
> (fromGregorian 1921 5 1)
> (secondsToDiffTime 34123))
> ]
> My question:
> I want to get the UTCTime.
> So, thisFunction :: [DatabaseItem] -> [UTCTime]
This is an excellent first step. A good candidate function is `map`
λ> :t map
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
and if we fill in the arguments we are sure of and leave the rest out,
ghc will — on reload/recompile — tell us what is missing. E.g:
thisFunction :: [DatabaseItem] -> [UTCTime]
thisFunction ds = map _ ds
will lead to
• Found hole: _ :: DatabaseItem -> UTCTime
• In the first argument of ‘map’, namely ‘_’
Can you write a function with `DatabaseItem -> UTCTime` signature?
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