[Haskell-beginners] Code Review of Caesar-Cipher

chrysaetos99 chrysaetos99 at posteo.de
Thu May 21 06:36:44 UTC 2020


thank you for your feedback Daniel an Toz. I now used (most of) your 
suggestions to improve the code.

You can find the result as an attachment.

Can I improve this even further? Also, I have put a question in the code 
(as a comment). Could anyone answer

that one also?

I would appreciate any answers, and thanks again for your effort.


On 21.05.20 02:04, 鲍凯文 wrote:
> Hi,
> For what it's worth, Daniel's suggestion of:
> ```haskell
> isAlphabetic char = elem char ['A'..'Z']
> ```
> does read nicer but would have to traverse `['A'..'Z']` every time. I 
> think what you have is fine, and although relational and boolean 
> operators are also in imperative languages, they behave as pure 
> functions even in imperative languages if subexpressions don't cause 
> side effects. I don't think it's unidiomatic, and especially in this 
> case, "between A and Z" means the same thing as "is one of the letters 
> A, B, C...Z", so the intent of the function is clear as written.
> Best of all would probably be using `isAlpha` from `Data.Char` (in 
> `base`).
> Best,
> toz
> On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 2:41 PM <beginners-request at haskell.org 
> <mailto:beginners-request at haskell.org>> wrote:
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>     Today's Topics:
>        1.  Code Review of Caesar-Cipher (chrysaetos99)
>        2. Re:  Code Review of Caesar-Cipher (Daniel van de Ghinste)
>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Message: 1
>     Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 20:26:37 +0200
>     From: chrysaetos99 <chrysaetos99 at posteo.de
>     <mailto:chrysaetos99 at posteo.de>>
>     To: beginners at haskell.org <mailto:beginners at haskell.org>
>     Subject: [Haskell-beginners] Code Review of Caesar-Cipher
>     Message-ID: <cd08aa1e-1c9b-a609-15df-5bf37508cb96 at posteo.de
>     <mailto:cd08aa1e-1c9b-a609-15df-5bf37508cb96 at posteo.de>>
>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
>     Background
>     ----------
>     I am a total beginner in Haskell, so after reading the "Starting
>     out"-chapter of "Learn you a Haskell", I wanted to create my first
>     program that actually does something.
>     I decided to do the famous Caesar-Cipher.
>     Code
>     ----
>     See attachment.
>     Question(s)
>     -----------
>     - How can this code be improved in general?
>     - Do I follow the style guide of Haskell (indentation, etc.)?
>     - I have a background in imperative languages. Did I do something
>     that
>     is untypical for functional programming languages?
>     I would appreciate any suggestions.
>     ---
>     Please note: I also asked this question on
>     https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/242529/caesar-cipher-implementation,
>     but didn't receive an answer that really answered all my questions.
>     Kind regards
>     chrysaetos99
>     -------------- next part --------------
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>     ------------------------------
>     Message: 2
>     Date: Wed, 20 May 2020 23:37:18 +0200
>     From: Daniel van de Ghinste <danielvandeghinste at gmail.com
>     <mailto:danielvandeghinste at gmail.com>>
>     To: The Haskell-Beginners Mailing List - Discussion of primarily
>             beginner-level topics related to Haskell
>     <beginners at haskell.org <mailto:beginners at haskell.org>>
>     Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Code Review of Caesar-Cipher
>     Message-ID: <E33F7055-8525-4E09-97E2-3947848F4012 at gmail.com
>     <mailto:E33F7055-8525-4E09-97E2-3947848F4012 at gmail.com>>
>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>     I’m no guru, so somebody please feel free to correct my advice
>     here. I’m trying to get a bit more active in reading these mailing
>     lists and giving advice as I believe it’ll help me become better
>     in my own understnading.
>     First thing, well done! It works! Nice job for the beginning of
>     your haskell journey :) Ill be focusing on your first and third
>     question. Your indentations seem fine here so far.
>     There are many different approaches you could take as you learn
>     more, but here are some things I noticed:
>     ******************** 1)
>     isAlphabetic :: Char -> Bool
>     isAlphabetic char = char >= 'A' && char <= ‘Z'
>     I feel this would be more readable as a literal, though you
>     function works. The <= && => feel very much like imperative style
>     to me
>     isAlphabetic :: Char -> Bool
>     isAlphabetic char = elem char ['A'..'Z']
>     That feel nicer to me. ‘Elem' works like ‘in’ in some other
>     languages and has the type:
>     elem :: (Eq a, Foldable t) => a -> t a -> Bool
>     Lists are a ‘foldable t’ as would be a binary tree (or some other
>     type of tree). Just think of ‘foldable’ as something you can
>     iterate over/through. It as something you can iterate over.
>     The ‘..’ Syntax in the expression [‘A’..’Z’] works on any type
>     which is a member of the ‘Enum’ type class, which is to say it has
>     some type of successor/predecessor order. A comes after b, c comes
>     after b and so on.
>     So typing [‘A’..’Z’] just creates a literal  list of the
>     characters from ‘A’ to ‘Z’.
>     Come to think of it, the above would be even nicer if you wrote it
>     in ‘point free style’ (notice the lack of a ‘char’ in my expected
>     isAlphabetic function parameters, despite it being in the type
>     signature) which would require you to ‘flip’ the elem function so
>     the Char becomes the second argument expected rather than the first
>     alphabetLength :: Int
>     alphabetLength = length alphabet
>     alphabet :: [Char]
>     alphabet = ['A'..'Z']
>     isAlphabetic :: Char -> Bool
>     isAlphabetic = flip elem alphabet
>     ****************************** 2)
>     Try to avoid so much logic in your encrypt  and decrypt functions
>     (nested ‘if’ ’then’ ‘else’ makes it harder to follow). Also, I
>     don’t know why you are having your functions here return an Int
>     and letting your ‘encrypt’ and ‘decrypt’ functions do the work of
>     changing them back into a Char. It seems to me if you give a Char
>     to your encryptChar function, you should get back an encrypted
>     Char. Make these functions below finish their work. I assume you
>     were tripping yourself up with what to return if isAlphabetic is
>     false, but just return the char value unchanged. Then the type
>     signature of these 2 functions below could be Char -> Int -> Char
>     instead
>     encryptChar :: Char -> Int -> Int
>     encryptChar char shift = if isAlphabetic char                --
>     Only encrypt A...Z
>                                 then (if ord char + shift > ord 'Z'   
>              -- "Z" with shift 3 becomes "C" and not "]"
>                                         then ord char + shift -
>     alphabetLength
>                                       else ord char + shift)
>                              else ord char
>     decryptChar :: Char -> Int -> Int
>     decryptChar char shift = if isAlphabetic char
>                                 then (if ord char - shift < ord 'A'
>                                         then ord char - shift +
>     alphabetLength
>                                       else ord char - shift)
>                              else ord char
>     Also, notice how similar the 2 functions are. These could be
>     combined. The only difference between them is the ‘+’ and ‘-‘
>     operations switching. Maybe something like the following
>     shiftChar :: Int -> Char -> Char
>     shiftChar n c
>         | isAlphabetic c = chr ((((ord c + n) - base) `mod`
>     alphabetLength) + base)
>         | otherwise      = c
>            where base = 65
>     This version works for negative or positive values of n. So it can
>     be used to encrypt and decrypt. My brackets are a bit ugly, but
>     I’m getting lazy (it’s late here).
>     The use of `mod` here (the infix version of the modulo operator, %
>     in some other languages like python) means we can accept
>     arbitrarily large values of n to our function, and it just wraps
>     around.
>     We can also accept negative values.
>     The pipe syntax ‘|’ is just a neater way of doing if else
>     statements (see guards for more info)
>     The 65 here is because ‘ord' is defined for all possible Char
>     values. You’re defining your valid range for this cipher to
>     capital alphabetic characters, which starts at 65:
>     *Main> fmap ord ['A'..'Z']
>     [65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90]
>     — the corresponding number for each capital letter in order.
>     If you haven’t come across fmap yet, it’s the same as map for
>     lists, but you can use it on structures other than lists - see
>     Functors later in your Haskell education :)
>     basically it applies the function to each of the value in the list
>     here
>     ************************************ 3)
>     Lastly, your encrypt and decrypt functions
>     encrypt :: String -> Int -> String
>     encrypt string shift = [chr (encryptChar (toUpper x) shift) | x <-
>     string]  -- "Loop" through string to encrypt char by char
>     decrypt :: String -> Int -> String
>     decrypt string shift = [chr (decryptChar (toUpper x) shift) | x <-
>     string]
>     I like your use of list comprehensions here :) though as mentioned
>     before I don’t think you should be using the chr function here,
>     rather your encryptChar and decryptChar functions should be doing
>     that to the values they return.
>     Because I changed other pieces in the code, I’ll show you another
>     way of doing this part now.
>     encrypt' :: Int -> String -> String
>     encrypt' x = fmap (shiftChar x)
>     decrypt' :: Int -> String -> String
>     decrypt' x = encrypt' (negate x)
>     Here I’m using ‘point free’ style again only referencing the first
>     of the two parameters expected by encrypt’. Because we changed our
>     other function in answer ******2 on this mail, encrypt’ and
>     decrypt’ are just the inverse of each other. So decrypt' is
>     defined in terms of encrypt’ but just negates the number passed to
>     encrypt’. As you might expect, negate just makes positive numbers
>     negative, and negative ones positive.
>     In encrypt’ I also use fmap again, because in Haskell a String is
>     just a type alias for a list of Characters ( type String =
>     [Char]), so we are just mapping the function shiftChar, with the
>     number already baked in,  to each character in the list of
>     character (string) which will be passed to this function.
>     Please find attached my edits to your source file if you wanna see
>     it in full and play around with it.
>     Best regards,
>     Lord_Luvat
>     P.S. Let me know if I’m a bad teacher, or pitching this response
>     at the wrong level :) I’m trying to learn here too.
>     > On 20 May 2020, at 20:26, chrysaetos99 <chrysaetos99 at posteo.de
>     <mailto:chrysaetos99 at posteo.de>> wrote:
>     >
>     > Background
>     > ----------
>     > I am a total beginner in Haskell, so after reading the "Starting
>     out"-chapter of "Learn you a Haskell", I wanted to create my first
>     program that actually does something.
>     >
>     > I decided to do the famous Caesar-Cipher.
>     >
>     >
>     > Code
>     > ----
>     > See attachment.
>     >
>     >
>     > Question(s)
>     >
>     > -----------
>     >
>     > - How can this code be improved in general?
>     > - Do I follow the style guide of Haskell (indentation, etc.)?
>     > - I have a background in imperative languages. Did I do
>     something that is untypical for functional programming languages?
>     >
>     > I would appreciate any suggestions.
>     >
>     > ---
>     >
>     > Please note: I also asked this question on
>     https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/242529/caesar-cipher-implementation,
>     but didn't receive an answer that really answered all my questions.
>     >
>     >
>     > Kind regards
>     >
>     > chrysaetos99
>     >
>     >
>     > <caesar.hs>_______________________________________________
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