[Haskell-beginners] Haskell Question

Seph Shewell Brockway seph at codex.scot
Fri Oct 18 19:44:22 UTC 2019

On Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 06:59:05PM +0200, Ut Primum wrote:
> Hi,
> this is my solution:
> productLastPart :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
> productLastPart n xs = product (take n (reverse xs))
> It only uses functions product, take and reverse
> Regards,
> Ut

That should work. I’d probably use point-free style, though, and avoid
all of those brackets.

   productLastPart n = product . take n . reverse

The version you’ve written runs in linear time, as would a version that
worked like this:

   productLastPart n xs = product (drop (length xs - n) xs)

because reverse, length and product (actually a partial application of
foldr) are all linear in the length of the list—they access each element
once. You can see the GHC implementation of reverse at
This turns out to be the best we can do with a regular Haskell list,
because accessing the last element of a list is a linear-time operation:

   last :: [a] -> a
   last [] = error "Oh no!"
   last [x] = x
   last (x : xs) = last xs

There do, however, exist list types like Sequence and Vector that allow
constant-time access to both ends of the list.

Hope this is helpful.


Seph Shewell Brockway, BSc MSc (Glas.)
Pronouns: she/her

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