[Haskell-beginners] Tagged types

Nikita Fufaev kitttoran at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 21:35:06 UTC 2018

return (if "ref-" `isPrefixOf` imagePrefix col
                                   cont SCaracterization
                                   cont SCollect)
         cont :: forall coc. SCaracterizationOrCollect coc -> SomeDataCollection
         cont sing = case imageSuffix col of
                 (Just "cbf") -> SomeDataCollection sing SCbf (coerce col)
                 (Just "h5") -> SomeDataCollection sing SHdf5 (coerce col)
                 (Just _) -> SomeDataCollection sing SCbf (coerce col)
                 Nothing -> SomeDataCollection sing SCbf (coerce col)

You could also get rid of SomeDataCollection in a similar way:

data DataCollection a b = DataCollection (SCaracterizationOrCollect a)
(SSuffix b) String
parseFileName :: forall c. String -> (forall a b. DataCollection a b -> c) -> c
parseFileName col cont = (if "ref-" `isPrefixOf` imagePrefix col
                                             cont2 SCaracterization
                                             cont2 SCollect)
  where cont2 :: forall coc. SCaracterizationOrCollect coc -> c
        cont2 sing = case imageSuffix col of
             (Just "cbf") -> cont $ DataCollection sing SCbf (coerce col)
             (Just "h5") -> cont $ DataCollection sing SHdf5 (coerce col)
             (Just _) -> cont $ DataCollection sing SCbf (coerce col)
             Nothing -> cont $ DataCollection sing SCbf (coerce col)
In general, when you want to type some expression that can be of
different types depending on values, you can turn it into a function
that takes polymorphic continuation as an argument.

If you plan to have many tags on DataCollection and many functions
that return DataCollections of different types where some tags depend
on argument values and  some tags are staticlly known, this style is
probably easier.

If you are willing to use singletons package, there is another way to do this:

{-# Language TemplateHaskell, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies, DataKinds,
ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Singletons.TH
import Data.List
$(singletons [d|
    data Suffix = Cbf | Hdf5
    data CaracterizationOrCollect = Caracterization | Collect
data SomeDataCollection where
     SomeDataCollection :: SCaracterizationOrCollect a -> SSuffix b ->
DataCollection a b -> SomeDataCollection
newtype DataCollection (a::CaracterizationOrCollect) (b::Suffix) = DC String
someFunc :: String -> IO SomeDataCollection
someFunc col = return $ withSomeSing (if "ref-" `isPrefixOf` imagePrefix col
                                 (\sing -> case imageSuffix col of
                                         (Just "cbf") ->
SomeDataCollection sing SCbf (coerce col)
                                         (Just "h5") ->
SomeDataCollection sing SHdf5 (coerce col)
                                         (Just _) ->
SomeDataCollection sing SCbf (coerce col)
                                         Nothing -> SomeDataCollection
sing SCbf (coerce col))

Hopefully, when the hyped DependentTypes extension lands, this will
all be authomated and we won't need to explicitly use a single
singleton anymore.

On 11/10/2018, PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel
<frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr> wrote:
> Hello, So I end-up for now with two singletons for my SomeDataCollection
> So I red the Datacollection from an xml file (col) then I create the
> SomeDataCollection type depending on a bunch of values found in the
> Datacollection.
> like this.
>                        return $ if "ref-" `isPrefixOf` imagePrefix col
>                                 then case imageSuffix col of
>                                      (Just "cbf") -> SomeDataCollection
> SCaracterization SCbf (coerce col)
>                                      (Just "h5") -> SomeDataCollection
> SCaracterization SHdf5 (coerce col)
>                                      (Just _) -> SomeDataCollection
> SCaracterization SCbf (coerce col)
>                                      Nothing -> SomeDataCollection
> SCaracterization SCbf (coerce col)
>                                 else case imageSuffix col of
>                                      (Just "cbf") -> SomeDataCollection
> SCollect SCbf (coerce col)
>                                      (Just "h5") -> SomeDataCollection
> SCollect SHdf5 (coerce col)
>                                      (Just _) -> SomeDataCollection SCollect
> SCbf (coerce col)
>                                      Nothing -> SomeDataCollection SCollect
> SCbf (coerce col)
> Now I would like to do something like
>                        let t = if "ref-" `isPrefixOf` imagePrefix col
>                                then SCaracterization
>                                else SCollect
> and then
>                        return SomeDatacollection t f (coerce col)
> But If I try to do this I have an error like this
> src/ISPyB/Soap.hs:119:37-44: error:
>     • Couldn't match type ‘'Collect’ with ‘'Caracterization’
>       Expected type: SCollectType 'Caracterization
>         Actual type: SCollectType 'Collect
>     • In the expression: SCollect
>       In the expression:
>         if "ref-" `isPrefixOf` imagePrefix col then
>             SCaracterization
>         else
>             SCollect
>       In an equation for ‘t’:
>           t = if "ref-" `isPrefixOf` imagePrefix col then
>                   SCaracterization
>               else
>                   SCollect
> how can I fix this and make the code better to read.
> thanks
> Fred
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Nikita Fufaev,
+7 999 825-95-07

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