[Haskell-beginners] Join'ing a State Monad, example from LYH

Olumide 50295 at web.de
Thu May 10 00:24:31 UTC 2018


Your explantion makes sense but in a very general way that still left me 
trying, and failing, explain why the result of

runState (join (State $ \s -> (push 10,1:2:s))) [0,0,0]

is ((),[10,1,2,0,0,0]).

After so many months of thinking I think I now do. Here's my reasoning, 
please correct me if I am wrong. I'm sure my explanation is far from 
precise even if the jist of it is correct, so I'd appreciate corrections 
about that too.

As you said join mm = mm >>= \m -> m.

\m -> m looks like the identify function, so that join x = x >>= id, 
(from Haskell Wikibooks).

Considering the definition of the State monad bind

     (State h) >>= f = State $ \s -> let (a, newState) = h s
                                         (State g) = f a
                                     in  g newState

where h is \s -> (push 10,1:2:s), h s = (push 10,1:2:s)
where a = push 10 and newState = 1:2:s

Also f = id, so that f a = push 10 = State $ \xs -> ((),10:xs),
where g = \xs -> ((),10:xs)

Finally, g newState = ((),10:1:2:s)

So that, join (State $ \s -> (push 10,1:2:s) = state \s -> ((),10:1:2:s)

Finally runState( state \s -> ((),10:1:2:s) ) [0,0,0]
  = (\s -> ((),10:1:2:s) ) [0,0,0] = ((),10,1,2,0,0,0)


- Olumide

On 10/02/18 15:25, Francesco Ariis wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 10, 2018 at 02:48:07PM +0000, Olumide wrote:
>> I find the following implementation of join in the text is hard to
>> understand or apply
>> join :: (Monad m) => m (m a) -> m a
>> join mm = do
>> 	m <- mm
>> 	m
> Hello Olumide,
> remember that:
>      join :: (Monad m) => m (m a) -> m a
>      join mm = do m <- mm
>                   m
> is the same as:
>      join :: (Monad m) => m (m a) -> m a
>      join mm = mm >>= \m ->
>                m
> In general remember that when you have a "plain" value, the last line
> of a monadic expression is often:
>      return someSimpleVal
> So:
>      monadicexpr = do x <- [4]
>                       return x -- can't just write `x`
> When you have a monad inside a monad, you can just "peel" the outer
> layer and live happily thereafter:
>      monadicexpr = do x <- [[4]]
>                       x -- result will be: [4], no need to use return
>                         -- because [4] (and not 4) is still a
>                         -- list monad
> As for State, remember that State is:
>      data State s a = State $ s -> (a, s) -- almost
> So a function that from a state s, calculates a new state s' and returns
> a value of type `a`.
> When we use the bind operator in a do block, it's like we're extracting
> that value of type `a`
>      monadicexpr = do x <- someState
>                       return x -- again we need to wrap this value
>                                -- before returning it, this state being
>                                --
>                                -- \s -> (x, s)
>                                --
>                                -- i.e. we do nothing to the parameter state
>                                -- and place `x` as a result.
>                                --
> Same trick there, if `x` is actually a State-inside-State (e.g. of
> type `State s (State s a)`), there is no need for wrapping anymore.
> Does this make sense?
> -F
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