[Haskell-beginners] Difficulty understanding how to use filterM to compute powerset

David McBride toad3k at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 19:02:47 UTC 2018

You are right, that the predicate in this case the argument is ignored.  In
fact you can rewrite it and it would work the same.

filterM2' :: (Monad m) => (m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
filterM2' p [] = return []
filterM2' p (x:xs) =
    let rest = filterM2' p xs in
      do b <- p
         if b then liftM (x:) rest
              else            rest

   filterM2' [False,True] [1,2,3]

As for how this works, remember that lists are Monads and their instance
makes them work like list comprehensions.  Consider the following.

test2 :: [(Int,Int)]
test2 = do
  x <- [1,2]
  y <- [3,4]
  return (x,y)


test3 :: [String]
test3 = do
  x <- [True, False, True]
  if x
    then ["x was true"]
    else ["x was false"]

["x was true","x was false", "x was true"]

So the List Monad instance pairs each element with every other element,
returning a list of every case.  In filterM's case, it checks each x and
based on that does something slightly different.  In fact what it is doing
is giving you two cases, one where x is there and one where it isn't, then
running the same function on the remaining elements once for each of those
two cases to fill in the remaining cases, appending all the results
together.  In my opinion it is easier to understand by just playing with it.

filterM2' [True,True] [1,2]

filterM2' [True,False] [1,2]

filterM2' [False,True] [1,2]

filterM2' [False,False] [1,2]

On Sun, Jun 17, 2018 at 9:24 AM, Olumide <50295 at web.de> wrote:

> Dear List,
> I'm trying to apply the following definition of filterM (from Brent
> Yorgey's blog https://byorgey.wordpress.com/2007/06/26/deducing-code-from-
> types-filterm/)
> import Control.Monad  -- for liftM
> filterM' :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
> filterM' p [] = return []
> filterM' p (x:xs) =
>     let rest = filterM' p xs in
>       do b <- p x
>          if b then liftM (x:) rest
>               else            rest
> in order to understand how filterM can be used to compute the power set of
> a list, as follows
>    filterM' (const [False,True]) [1,2,3]
> Where p in the filterM' is (const [False,True]). What confuses me is that
> p x in filterM'. Based on my very limited understanding p x returns b =
> [False, True]. How b be tested in the subsequent if-statement if it is
> indeed a list? What am I getting wrong?
> Regards,
> - Olumide
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