[Haskell-beginners] Execution time of Mergesort

KC kc1956 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 03:29:16 UTC 2018

Appending to lists is slow

Sent from an expensive device which will be obsolete in a few months

On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, 7:14 PM Awsaf Rahman, <awsafrahman1704 at gmail.com>

> I did consider strictness and that is why the execution time has come down
> from 16 seconds to 12 seconds! But I can't seem to find the issue anymore!
> On Fri, Jul 6, 2018 at 4:06 AM, KC <kc1956 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I haven't looked at the code much yet
>> But might want to consider strictness 😎
>> --
>> Sent from an expensive device which will be obsolete in a few months
>> Casey
>> On Thu, Jul 5, 2018, 7:01 PM Awsaf Rahman, <awsafrahman1704 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone!
>>> I am trying to find out the execution time of mergesort for a list size
>>> of 1 million integers. I have done the same in Erlang as well and the
>>> execution time in Erlang was around 0.93 seconds. I have implemented the
>>> program in almost the same way in Haskell as well but for some reason the
>>> Haskell implementation is taking around 12 seconds which doesn't seem
>>> right.
>>> Here is the implementation in Haskell:
>>> *{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}*
>>> *{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}*
>>> *import Control.Exception*
>>> *import Formatting*
>>> *import Formatting.Clock*
>>> *import System.Clock*
>>> *import Control.DeepSeq*
>>> *mergesort [] = []*
>>> *mergesort [x] = [x]*
>>> *mergesort xs = let (lhalf, rhalf) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs*
>>> *               in merge' (mergesort lhalf) (mergesort rhalf)*
>>> *merge' lhalf rhalf = merge lhalf rhalf []*
>>> *merge [] [] acc = reverse acc*
>>> *merge [] y acc = reverse acc ++ y*
>>> *merge x [] acc = reverse acc ++ x*
>>> *merge (l:ls) (r:rs) acc*
>>> *        | l < r = merge ls (r:rs) (l:acc)*
>>> *        | otherwise = merge rs (l:ls) (r:acc)*
>>> *toList :: String -> [Integer]*
>>> *toList input = read ("[" ++ input ++ "]")*
>>> *main = do*
>>> *    file <- getLine*
>>> *    contents <- readFile file*
>>> *    let !unsortedlist = (toList contents)*
>>> *    start <- getTime Monotonic*
>>> *    evaluate(force (mergesort unsortedlist))*
>>> *    end <- getTime Monotonic*
>>> *    fprint (timeSpecs % "\n") start end*
>>> What am I doing wrong?
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