[Haskell-beginners] MonadThrow, MonadReader and shake
Sylvain Henry
sylvain at haskus.fr
Sat Dec 15 09:06:43 UTC 2018
The` toRuchePath` function has the following constraints on `m`:
`MonadReader Beamline m, MonadThrow m`
In your code, `m ~ Action` (from Shake) which doesn't fulfil the
constraints (hence the error).
If you use `liftIO` as suggested (possible because Action has a MonadIO
instance), `m ~ IO` which doesn't fulfil the constraints (hence the
other error).
If you want `m ~ ReaderT Beamline m IO`, you can use something like:
`liftIO $ runReaderT stateBeforeCallingShake $ toRuchePath attachements`
(you need `stateBeforeCallingShake <- ask` before calling shake).
It should fulfil the constraints because we have instances for
`MonadThrow IO` and `MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (ReaderT r m)`.
Hope that helps,
On 13/12/2018 10:15, PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel wrote:
> Hello,
> I try to write this sort of code
> xdsme' :: SomeDataCollection
> -> Maybe Cell
> -> Maybe SpaceGroup
> -> GZiped
> -> [Path Abs File]
> -> ReaderT Beamline IO ()
> xdsme' c@(SomeDataCollection SCollect SHdf5 _) cell sg z is = do
> -- xdsme compute the output path by himself.
> cwd' <- toProcessDataPath c
> rdir <- resultsPrefixFile xdsMePrefix c
> dir <- resultsPrefixDir ("xdsme_" ++ xdsMePrefix) c
> dir' <- resultsPrefixFile "" c
> xmlPath <- parseRelFile $ toFilePath dir' ++ "_xdsme.xml"
> xml <- parseAbsFile $ toFilePath cwd' </> toFilePath dir </> toFilePath xmlPath
> uploadedPath <- parseRelFile $ toFilePath dir' ++ "_xdsme.uploaded"
> uploaded <- parseAbsFile $ toFilePath cwd' </> toFilePath dir </> toFilePath uploadedPath
> let shakeFiles' = toFilePath cwd' </> toFilePath dir </> ".shake/"
> let images = getImages c z
> liftIO $ shake shakeOptions{ shakeFiles=shakeFiles'
> , shakeReport=["/tmp/shake.html"]
> , shakeVerbosity=Diagnostic} $ do
> want [toFilePath uploaded]
> -- execute xdsme and deal with input dependencies
> toFilePath xml %> \_out -> do
> need (map toFilePath is)
> processXdsMe cwd' cell sg rdir images
> toFilePath uploaded %> \_out -> do
> need [toFilePath xml]
> container <- liftIO . fromFile . toFilePath $ xml
> -- post processing
> let attachment = _autoProcProgramAttachment . _autoProcProgramContainer $ container
> attachment' <- toRuchePath attachment <- HERE PROBLEM
> _ <- copyAttachment' attachment attachment'
> let container' = (autoProcProgramContainer . autoProcProgramAttachment .~ attachment') container -- replace attachement
> -- upload into ISPYB
> liftIO $ storeAutoProcIntoISPyB c NoAnomalous container'
> cmd_ ("touch" :: String) (toFilePath uploaded)
> where
> toRuchePath :: (MonadReader Beamline m, MonadThrow m)
> => [AutoProcProgramAttachment WithPrefix]
> -> m [AutoProcProgramAttachment ISPyB]
> toRuchePath = mapM go
> where
> go :: (MonadReader Beamline m, MonadThrow m)
> => AutoProcProgramAttachment WithPrefix
> -> m (AutoProcProgramAttachment ISPyB)
> go a = do
> (d, _) <- toPath a
> b <- ask
> newd <- mkText255 . pack . toRuchePath' b . fromAbsDir $ d
> return a {filePath = newd}
> but when I try to compile this I get this error.
> How can I teach ghc how to solve this issue ?
> thanks for your help
> Frederic
> src/XdsMe.hs:211:22-43: error:
> • Could not deduce (MonadThrow Action)
> arising from a use of ‘toRuchePath’
> from the context: t ~ 'Collect
> bound by a pattern with constructor:
> SCollect :: SCollectType 'Collect,
> in an equation for ‘xdsme'’
> at src/XdsMe.hs:180:30-37
> or from: f ~ 'ISPyB.DataCollection.Hdf5
> bound by a pattern with constructor:
> SHdf5 :: SCollectSourceFormat 'ISPyB.DataCollection.Hdf5,
> in an equation for ‘xdsme'’
> at src/XdsMe.hs:180:39-43
> • In a stmt of a 'do' block: attachment' <- toRuchePath attachment
> In the expression:
> do { need [toFilePath xml];
> container <- liftIO . fromFile . toFilePath $ xml;
> let attachment
> = _autoProcProgramAttachment . _autoProcProgramContainer
> $ container;
> attachment' <- toRuchePath attachment;
> .... }
> In the second argument of ‘(%>)’, namely
> ‘\ _out
> -> do { need [...];
> container <- liftIO . fromFile . toFilePath $ xml;
> .... }’
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