[Haskell-beginners] Ambiguous type error: multiparam class + type alias
aquagnu at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 15:50:38 UTC 2017
Hello, List!
The further - the more interesting... For example, I want own `Show` analogue,
which will be parameterized with type meaning "context"/"reason". So, to represent
title of the value I will call:
repr x::TitleRepr
or simple `Show`:
repr x::ShowRepr
repr x::Repr AsShow
etc. I try:
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
data AsShow
data AsTitle
type Repr a = String
class ReprC a b where
repr :: a -> Repr b
instance ReprC Int AsTitle where
repr n = "a number " ++ show n
main = do
let n = 5 :: Int
print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle)
and sure I get error:
• Ambiguous type variable ‘b0’ arising from a use of ‘repr’
prevents the constraint ‘(ReprC Int b0)’ from being solved.
Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what ‘b0’ should be.
These potential instance exist:
instance ReprC Int AsTitle
-- Defined at .../.stack-work/intero/intero31144sPV.hs:12:10
• In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘(repr n :: Repr AsTitle)’
In a stmt of a 'do' block: print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle)
In the expression:
do { let n = ...;
print $ (repr n :: Repr AsTitle) } (intero)
Sure, I can use as `Repr` not type-alias but `newtype`. But in this
case I will need additional call (show/runRepr/coerce/etc.):
coerce $ (repr x::AsTitle)
So, what is the reason that GHCI is see that `repr n` is `::Repr AsTitle`
(AsTitle!!) and says me that `b0` is ambigous?! It should know
what concreate `repr` I mean! :) If I use `newtype` - no problem, so I
suppose problem is in the type alias. It's not sterling type for such
goal, right?
Another question is: how to accomplish such goal, i.e. without to
make additional call (coerce/show/runRepr/etc) when `repr` will return
`String`, wrapped in newtype?
PS. Execuse such silly and training example. Actually, I planned to made
such class and to use it instead of `Show`. Sure, it can be splitted to
several classed (my current state) but.. example is to learn Haskell
and to understand my errors...
Best regards, Paul
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