[Haskell-beginners] Ambiguous type variable prevents the constraint `(Ord t0)' from being solved.

Ivan Kush ivan.v.kush at yandex.ru
Sat Jan 28 20:09:09 UTC 2017

I get this error (full message at the end of the mail). How could I correct my code?


module Intro where

import Data.Bits --  for xor, .&.

data Func a b
    = Empty
    | Leaf Int [(a, b)]
    | Branch Int Int (Func a b) (Func a b)
applyd =
    let apply_listd l d x =
                    case l of
                        [] -> d x
                        (a, b) : t ->
                            let c = compare x a
                            in if c == EQ then b
                                else if c == GT then apply_listd t d x
                                else d x
     in  \f d x ->
        let k =  5 -- hash x - todo
        in let look t =
                case t of
                    Leaf h l | h == k ->
                        apply_listd l d x
                    Branch p b l r | (k `xor` p) .&. (b - 1) == 0 -> --  (Branch p b l r) | ((k xor p) .&. (b - 1)) == 0 ->
                        look (if k .&. b == 0 then l else r)
                    _ -> d x
           in look f                


Intro.hs:37:25: error:
    * Ambiguous type variable `t0' arising from a use of `apply_listd'
      prevents the constraint `(Ord t0)' from being solved.
      Relevant bindings include
        l :: [(t0, t)] (bound at Intro.hs:36:28)
        t :: Func t0 t (bound at Intro.hs:34:21)
        look :: Func t0 t -> t (bound at Intro.hs:34:16)
        x :: t0 (bound at Intro.hs:32:15)
        d :: t0 -> t (bound at Intro.hs:32:13)
        f :: Func t0 t (bound at Intro.hs:32:11)
        (Some bindings suppressed; use -fmax-relevant-binds=N or -fno-max-relevant-binds)
      Probable fix: use a type annotation to specify what `t0' should be.
      These potential instances exist:
        instance Ord Ordering -- Defined in `GHC.Classes'
        instance Ord Integer
          -- Defined in `integer-gmp-'
        instance Ord a => Ord (Maybe a) -- Defined in `GHC.Base'
        ...plus 22 others
        ...plus five instances involving out-of-scope types
        (use -fprint-potential-instances to see them all)
    * In the expression: apply_listd l d x
      In a case alternative: Leaf h l | h == k -> apply_listd l d x
      In the expression:
        case t of {
          Leaf h l | h == k -> apply_listd l d x
          Branch p b l r
            | (k `xor` p) .&. (b - 1) == 0
            -> look (if k .&. b == 0 then l else r)
          _ -> d x }

Best wishes,
Ivan Kush

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