[Haskell-beginners] Question about example in 'using do notation with Writer' section of LYH

Theodore Lief Gannon tanuki at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 08:34:29 UTC 2017

Fully expanding your program might help. One of the great things about
Haskell is equational reasoning: if two things have been declared equal,
you can substitute one for the other.

First, let's desugar that do notation to the equivalent bind chain:

multWithLog =
  logNumber 3 >>= \a ->
    logNumber 5 >>= \b ->
      return (a*b)

Evaluate the logNumber and return calls to normal form from their
definitions, also considering the monoid definitions of (++) and mempty for

multWithLog =
  Writer (3, ["Got number: 3"]) >>= \a ->
    Writer (5, ["Got number: 5"]) >>= \b ->
      Writer (a*b, [])

Now, refer to the definition of (>>=) for Writer (as shown in LYAH):

(Writer (x, v)) >>= f = let (Writer (y, v')) = f x in Writer (y, v
`mappend` v')

Rewritten as a lamba (and replacing `mappend` with (++) for brevity), this

\(Writer (x, v)) f -> let (Writer (y, v')) = f x in Writer (y, v++v')

It's no longer an infix function, so we'll have to shift things around a
little. Here's what it expands to:

multWithLog =
  (\(Writer (x, v)) f ->                -- \
      let (Writer (y, v')) = f x        -- | bind
      in Writer (y, v++v'))             -- /
    (Writer (3, ["Got number: 3"]))     -- Writer (x, v)
    (\a ->                              -- f
        (\(Writer (x2, v2)) f2 ->       -- \
        let (Writer (y2, v2')) = f2 x2  -- | bind
        in Writer (y2, v2++v2'))        -- /
      (Writer (5, ["Got number: 5"]))   -- Writer (x2, v2)
      (\b -> Writer (a*b, []))          -- f2
    )                                   -- (end f)

Now it's just a matter of simplification. Let's start by eliminating the
first argument of each bind, i.e. (Writer (x,v)), by substituting with
concrete values.

multWithLog =
  (\f ->                                        -- \ partially
      let (Writer (y, v')) = f 3                -- | applied
      in Writer (y, ["Got number: 3"]++v'))     -- / bind
    (\a ->                                      -- f
        (\f2 ->                                 -- \ partially
        let (Writer (y2, v2')) = f2 5           -- | applied
        in Writer (y2, ["Got number: 5"]++v2')) -- / bind
      (\b -> Writer (a*b, []))                  -- f2
    )                                           -- (end f)

Substitute f2, and eliminate both \f2 and \b in the same way:

multWithLog =
  (\f ->
      let (Writer (y, v')) = f 3
      in Writer (y, ["Got number: 3"]++v'))
    (\a ->
      let (Writer (y2, v2')) = Writer (a*5, [])  -- applied f2
      in Writer (y2, ["Got number: 5"]++v2')

With a full match on the inner let block, that can also be eliminated:

multWithLog =
  (\f ->
      let (Writer (y, v')) = f 3
      in Writer (y, ["Got number: 3"]++v'))
    (\a -> Writer (a*5, ["Got number: 5"]++[]))

I'll forego the last few substitutions. If it's still not clear how you get
to the final output, you should run through them yourself. You'll
eventually reach a static definition of the result -- which shouldn't
really be surprising, since there were no arguments to this "function" and
its type doesn't contain -> anywhere. :)

On Thu, Jan 26, 2017 at 1:34 PM, Olumide <50295 at web.de> wrote:

> On 26/01/17 16:02, David McBride wrote:
>> runWriter multWithLogTuple
>> ((3,5,10),["Got number: 3","Got number: 5"])
> On second thoughts I don't think I understand how the logs are
> concatenated. I was expecting (15,["Got number: 15") in the original
> example.
> - Olumide
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