[Haskell-beginners] A seemingly simple use-case for Template Haskell

Frerich Raabe raabe at froglogic.com
Thu Sep 29 08:39:14 UTC 2016

On 2016-09-28 15:06, Mario Lang wrote:
> In a small project of mine, I have this basically auto-generated data
> type:
> -- Braille music code only uses the old 6-dot system.  We enumerate all
> -- possible dot patterns to use the type system to avoid accidentally
> -- specifying invalid dot patterns in the source code.
> --
> -- gen :: String
> -- gen =
> --     "data Braille = " ++ intercalate " | " ctors ++ " deriving (Enum, 
> Eq)" where
> --   ctors = "NoDots" : map ctorName [1..63] where
> --     ctorName :: Int -> String
> --     ctorName = (++) "Dot" . concatMap (show . succ) . flip filter [0..5] 
> . testBit
> data SixDots = NoDots | Dot1 | Dot2 | Dot12 | Dot3 | Dot13 | Dot23 | Dot123
>              | Dot4 | Dot14 | Dot24 | Dot124 | Dot34 | Dot134 | Dot234
>              | Dot1234 | Dot5 | Dot15 | Dot25 | Dot125 | Dot35 | Dot135
>              | Dot235 | Dot1235 | Dot45 | Dot145 | Dot245 | Dot1245 | Dot345
>              | Dot1345 | Dot2345 | Dot12345 | Dot6 | Dot16 | Dot26 | Dot126
>              | Dot36 | Dot136 | Dot236 | Dot1236 | Dot46 | Dot146 | Dot246
>              | Dot1246 | Dot346 | Dot1346 | Dot2346 | Dot12346 | Dot56 | 
> Dot156
>              | Dot256 | Dot1256 | Dot356 | Dot1356 | Dot2356 | Dot12356
>              | Dot456 | Dot1456 | Dot2456 | Dot12456 | Dot3456 | Dot13456
>              | Dot23456 | Dot123456
>              deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Read, Show)
> So, while actually quite simple, this looks like an opportunity to use
> Template Haskell for me.  In other words, I want to figure out what is
> necessary to generate this data type with TH, instead of the gen
> function that basically generates a piece of plain Haskell code.

Here's one way to do it (the 'ctorNames' definition is copied out of your 

--- Mario.hs ---
module Mario (makeDotsType) where

import Data.Bits (testBit)
import Language.Haskell.TH

ctorNames :: [String]
ctorNames = "NoDots" : map ctorName [1..63]
     ctorName :: Int -> String
     ctorName = (++) "Dot" . concatMap (show . succ) . flip filter [0..5] . 

makeDotsType :: Q [Dec]
makeDotsType = do
     let ctors = map (\n -> NormalC (mkName n) []) ctorNames
     let instances = map mkName ["Bounded", "Enum", "Eq", "Read", "Show"]
     return [DataD [] (mkName "SixDots") [] ctors instances]

--- Main.hs ---
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import Mario


If you compile this with

$ ghc -ddump-splices Main.hs

You can see what type definition that '$(makeDotsType)' expands to.

For what it's worth, this may not compile with all versions of the TH support 
in GHC; I wrote the above code using GHC 7.10.2.

In general, I find -ddump-splices invaluable when using TH. I use it every 
minute or so to see what code I'm currently generating. What's noteworthy is 
that (as mentioned in the 'Using Template Haskell' section of the GHC user 
guide) that

   You can only run a function at compile time if it is imported from another 
module. That is, you can't define
   a function in a module, and call it from within a splice in the same 

That's why I used a separate 'Mario' module above.
> Also, all the examples I can find seem to be mostly focused in
> generating Q Exp or similar, but I didn't really find an example
> for Q Dec.

I uploaded a couple of my own exercises for using TH on GitHub:


All of them deal with generating a 'Dec' at


...and then work my way down. Hope that helps!

Frerich Raabe - raabe at froglogic.com
www.froglogic.com - Multi-Platform GUI Testing

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