[Haskell-beginners] A seemingly simple use-case for Template Haskell

Mario Lang mlang at delysid.org
Wed Sep 28 15:12:15 UTC 2016

Ryan Trinkle <ryan.trinkle at gmail.com> writes:

> Why not just use a datastructure with 6 Bools?  E.g.:
> data SixDots = SixDots
>   { dot1 :: Bool
>   , dot2 :: Bool
>   , dot3 :: Bool
>   , dot4 :: Bool
>   , dot5 :: Bool
>   , dot6 :: Bool
>   }

Because it is convenient to have an Enum instance, and because braille
dot patterns are used as sort of constants in the code.  So if I had a data structure like
you described above, I'd still need 64 functions with convenient names
that return such a data structure with the appropriate bits set.

-- eeek!
dot123 :: SixDots'
dot123 = SixDots' True True True False False False

It seems *a lot* easier to just use a sum type and enumerate all the
possibilities.  Besides, it seems overly inefficient to use 6 Bools for
something that actually just needs 6 bits.
Also, the resulting enumeration actually matches the Unicode standard.
To illustrate, I have a function to convert Braille dot patterns to Char:

toChar :: SixDots -> Char
toChar = toEnum . (+ 0x2800) . fromEnum

That said, I am not really looking for advice on the example at hand, I
am more interested in using that example as a motivation to learn TH.


> On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 9:06 AM, Mario Lang <mlang at delysid.org> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> As a long-term Lisp fan, and someone who always admired compile-time
>> code-generation, I wanted to at least do something simple with Template
>> Haskell once.
>> In a small project of mine, I have this basically auto-generated data
>> type:
>> -- Braille music code only uses the old 6-dot system.  We enumerate all
>> -- possible dot patterns to use the type system to avoid accidentally
>> -- specifying invalid dot patterns in the source code.
>> --
>> -- gen :: String
>> -- gen =
>> --     "data Braille = " ++ intercalate " | " ctors ++ " deriving (Enum,
>> Eq)" where
>> --   ctors = "NoDots" : map ctorName [1..63] where
>> --     ctorName :: Int -> String
>> --     ctorName = (++) "Dot" . concatMap (show . succ) . flip filter
>> [0..5] . testBit
>> data SixDots = NoDots | Dot1 | Dot2 | Dot12 | Dot3 | Dot13 | Dot23 | Dot123
>>              | Dot4 | Dot14 | Dot24 | Dot124 | Dot34 | Dot134 | Dot234
>>              | Dot1234 | Dot5 | Dot15 | Dot25 | Dot125 | Dot35 | Dot135
>>              | Dot235 | Dot1235 | Dot45 | Dot145 | Dot245 | Dot1245 | Dot345
>>              | Dot1345 | Dot2345 | Dot12345 | Dot6 | Dot16 | Dot26 | Dot126
>>              | Dot36 | Dot136 | Dot236 | Dot1236 | Dot46 | Dot146 | Dot246
>>              | Dot1246 | Dot346 | Dot1346 | Dot2346 | Dot12346 | Dot56 | Dot156
>>              | Dot256 | Dot1256 | Dot356 | Dot1356 | Dot2356 | Dot12356
>>              | Dot456 | Dot1456 | Dot2456 | Dot12456 | Dot3456 | Dot13456
>>              | Dot23456 | Dot123456
>>              deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Read, Show)
>> So, while actually quite simple, this looks like an opportunity to use
>> Template Haskell for me.  In other words, I want to figure out what is
>> necessary to generate this data type with TH, instead of the gen
>> function that basically generates a piece of plain Haskell code.
>> I have been reading "A practical Template Haskell Tutorial"[1] but I find
>> it a little bit too terse to actually solve this very little riddle on
>> my own.
>> For one, I find it confusing that some TH functions return "Q Dec" while
>> others just return Dec.  I am aware that this is some sort of Monad for
>> the TH system, but I have never seen it explained anywhere.
>> Also, all the examples I can find seem to be mostly focused in
>> generating Q Exp or similar, but I didn't really find an example
>> for Q Dec.
>> I realize this should be simple to figure out on my own, but it
>> apparently is not.  I have tried to wrap my head around this on my own
>> at least three times now, but always stopped after an hour or two due to
>> frustration.  Is there some comprehensive TH documentation I haven't
>> seen yet?  Could you please give me enough of a head-start that I
>> actually manage to write something which can generate this simple data
>> type above?
>> [1] https://wiki.haskell.org/A_practical_Template_Haskell_Tutorial


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