[Haskell-beginners] help with optimizing memory usage of thunk size of Monte Carlo backtracking search algorithm

Dennis Raddle dennis.raddle at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 22:49:55 UTC 2016

I'm a Haskell semi-beginner, and I've implemented a crude Monte Carlo
search optimization algorithm, and I want to know how to use strict
evaluation to prevent it from consuming too much memory.

I am willing to learn new things to do this---if you want to point me in
the right direction and maybe give some references, I'll take it from
there. However, if there is something simple that can take care of the
whole problem, please let me know.

I have not run this with the profiler so I don't actually know precisely
what it is doing now. I have not run out of memory using it in small cases,
but I hope to use it on much larger cases.

Here is the code so far:

import qualified Data.List as L
import Control.Monad
import Data.Function

-- Suppose that we do backtracking search for an optimal arrangement of
-- elements in some kind of "structure". The "structure" is built one step
-- a time.
-- An example would be searching for an optimal arrangement of furniture.
-- structure is a represenation of the room and all items that have been
-- placed in it so far. We could list the options (or "steps") available to
-- at any point in building the structure, that is a list of furniture items
-- and locations.
-- We have the notion that the structure, at some point in adding steps,
-- becomes complete. We have an evaluation function providing a "goodness
-- score" on either a partially built or complete structure.
-- The search will optimize the goodness score over all possible complete
-- structures. (Or perhaps with Monte Carlo search, an approximate optimal
-- value.)
-- Class Opt (for "optimization") defines a structure type "struct" and a
-- type "step".

class Opt struct step | struct -> step where
  -- number of steps chosen so far in current state of 'struct':
  oSize  :: struct -> Int
  -- list all the available steps to choose next. If this list is null, then
  -- the structure is complete.
  oList  :: struct -> [step]
  -- apply a step to the structure to create a new structure:
  oApply :: struct -> step -> struct
  -- evaluate the "goodness" of the current state of a structure. Higher is
  -- better.
  oEval  :: struct -> Double

-- Implement a kind of Monte Carlo search. (I have a vague idea of the
-- literature on Monte Carlo; this algorithm is my guess at something that
-- does the job). We work in a state monad of class
-- "RandMonad" which holds the StdGen data and provides several methods for
-- accessing it. The only method we need from RandMonad is
--    rChooseItem :: RandMonad m => [a] -> m a
-- which chooses a random item from a non-null list.
-- The basic algorithm is this: at each point in building the structure, we
-- have a structure S and a list of next steps step_list. We apply each step
-- in step_list to S, in turn. After applying a step x to S, call the result
-- S_x. We evaluate the "monte carlo fitness" of S_x by making random
-- completions of it---that is, choosing a bunch of additional steps
-- randomly---doing 'nExper' completions (nExper might be 1000 to 10000).
-- fitness as measured by oEval of the very best random completion becomes
-- the "monte carlo fitness" of S_x. We then choose the step from step_list,
-- x, that maximizes the "monte carlo fitness" of S_x.
-- We then repeat this process until S is complete.

-- Function monteCarlo will take a partially complete structure, and
-- it over an investigation of 'nExper' possible "completions".

monteCarlo :: (RandMonad r, Opt a b) => Int -> a -> r a
monteCarlo nExper struct = case oList struct of
  -- If structure is complete, then it is its own optimization.
  []    -> return struct
  -- Otherwise find optimal step according to "monte carlo fitness" and
  -- recursively call 'monteCarlo'
  steps -> do
    let doStep step = do
          let newStruct = oApply struct step
          score <- monteCarloEval nExper newStruct
          return (score,newStruct)
    (_,winner) <- L.maximumBy (compare `on` fst) `liftM` mapM doStep steps
    monteCarlo nExper winner

-- monteCarloEval
-- Evaluate the "monte carlo fitness" of a structure 'struct' by completing
-- in nExper random ways (that is, make all remaining choices in purely
-- way) and finding the maximum value of the evaluated final state among all
-- nExper ways.
monteCarloEval :: (RandMonad r, Opt a b) => Int -> a -> r Double
monteCarloEval nExper struct = case oList struct of
  [] -> return $ oEval struct
  _  -> do
    scores <- replicateM nExper (randomComplete struct)
    return . maximum . map oEval $ scores

-- Make random choices of steps until a structure 's' is complete.
randomComplete :: (RandMonad r, Opt a b) => a -> r a
randomComplete s = case oList s of
  []    -> return s
  steps -> rChooseItem steps >>= (randomComplete . oApply s)
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