[Haskell-beginners] Case vs Guards. I still don't know what is the difference

Semih Masat masat.semih at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 09:21:40 UTC 2016

Thank you Theodore and Tushar.

Great examples and help.

I am understanding better now.

On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 5:12 AM, Tushar Tyagi <tushar4r at gmail.com> wrote:

> It's great that you understood that the idiom of using case expressions is
> with pattern matching -- using it to count numbers is like using a crane to
> pick a packet of sugar -- pretty inefficient.
> The case expression/pattern matching is very powerful and expressive. And
> I will be using a single example for multiple definitions (which you
> advised against), hoping that you see the difference between different
> idioms.
> Take a look at the definition of map below:
> map' f xs = case xs of
>   [] -> []
>   (y:ys) -> f y : map' f ys
> Without pattern matching you will be using library functions like `null`,
> `head`, or `tail` and one of the downsides of these is that they crash the
> program in case `head` and `tail` are used with empty list without null
> checking. With the null check, the program looks inelegant (and is not the
> standard idiom):
> map'' f xs = if null xs
>              then []
>              else let hd = head xs
>                       tl = tail xs in
>                   (f hd) : (map'' f tl)
> You can clearly see the superior one.
> Of course, pattern matching is not used only with case expressions: here
> is the definition of drop with and without case:
> drop'' n xs = case (n, xs) of
>   (0, xs) -> xs
>   (_, []) -> []
>   (n, y:ys) -> drop'' (n-1) ys
> drop' 0 xs = xs
> drop' _ [] = []
> drop' n (x:xs) = drop' (n-1) xs
> In my opinion, the second one without the case expression is clearer.
> One more use case of case expression (and pattern matching) is when you
> start creating your own datatypes. Then you can destructure the type and
> add the required logic based on the type:
> data MyType a b = TypeA a | TypeB b
>                 deriving (Show)
> which_type a = case a of
>   TypeA a -> "Type A" -- Or some better logic here.
>   TypeB b -> "Type B"
> Hope this makes things a bit clearer.
> On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 6:46 AM, Semih Masat <masat.semih at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry, if i am flooding.
>> To make it clear what i wanted to say in last section on previous mail.
>> Lets say i have a list of numbers and i want to do different things in
>> case of different even numbers on that list.
>> If i use guards i will do it like this :
>> nums = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]
>> howManyEvens = length(removeOdd(nums))
>> isItOk count
>>     | count > 10 = "Too much"
>>     | count > 8   = "Isn't this a little much?"
>>     | count > 5   = "I think this is ok"
>>     | count > 3   = "Little more please"
>>     | count > 0   = "Ooo, cmon"
>>     | otherwise   = "We gonna die"
>> result = isItOk howManyEvens
>> This is a very stupid example but this will work i guess.
>> And if i wanted to this with *case* , i will do it like;
>> isItOk' nums = case (length(removeOdd(nums))) of
>>     10  -> "Too much"
>>     8   -> "Isn't this a little much?"
>>     5   -> "I think this is ok"
>>     3   -> "Little more please"
>>     0   -> "Ooo, cmon"
>>     x   -> "i don't even"
>> So the only different thing is i didn't need to create *howManyEvens*
>> constant.
>> PS: While i writing this. I realized that with case, i need to use
>> pattern matching but with guards i can use other functions if i wanted to.
>> ( like count > 10 )
>> Sorry for asking prematurely. And if anyone reaches this email by google
>> search. Look at this explanation : http://stackoverflow.com/a/4156831
>> To the authors : Please, if you writing a book a blog post about haskell.
>> Don't create same function in different styles. We don't understand which
>> one we need to use and why we have all different choices.
>> Thanks.
>> Semih
>> On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 3:43 AM, Semih Masat <masat.semih at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I am new to Haskell and trying to learn it with learnyouahaskell.com
>>> and Pluralsight Haskell course.
>>> And i have a very noob question.
>>> I understand that *if .. else* is just a syntactic sugar over *case. *But
>>> what about guards then ?
>>> Are guards also *case *in different syntax ? Or vice versa ? Like with
>>> an example.
>>> anyEven nums
>>>     | (length (removeOdd nums)) > 0 = True
>>>     | otherwise                     = False
>>> anyEven' nums = case (removeOdd nums) of
>>>     []        -> False
>>>     (x:xs)  -> True
>>> I can do the same thing with both of them.
>>> As i understand the only different thing is, with *case *i can
>>> manipulate the parameter (like here in the example i used removeOdd) and
>>> can use the manipulated parameter to decide what to do after that.
>>> So i will not need to use removeOdd function inside the case. ( maybe i
>>> will need to use in every guard definition if i choose to use guards )
>>> Is this it?
>>> Is this the only difference between them ?
>>> And if it is, why haskell needed do implement both of them. Can't we use
>>> function like removeOdd before using it on case or guard functions ?
>>> Thanks, and sorry if my english is bad.
>>> Semih Masat
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