[Haskell-beginners] FFI foreignPtr construction

PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Wed Jan 27 20:49:22 UTC 2016

Thanks for your help

I end up with this code which I find quite elegant :)

-- data Geometry
data HklGeometry
newtype Geometry = Geometry (ForeignPtr HklGeometry) deriving (Show)

newGeometry :: Factory -> IO Geometry
newGeometry f =
  Geometry <$> (c_hkl_factory_create_new_geometry f >>= newForeignPtr c_hkl_geometry_free)

foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h hkl_factory_create_new_geometry"
  c_hkl_factory_create_new_geometry :: Factory -> IO (Ptr HklGeometry)

foreign import ccall unsafe "hkl.h &hkl_geometry_free"
  c_hkl_geometry_free :: FunPtr (Ptr HklGeometry -> IO ())



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