[Haskell-beginners] Typeclass question

Alan Buxton alanbuxton at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 21:53:00 UTC 2016

What am I doing wrong in this admittedly contrived example?


The code below will compile. It works as expected, unless I try to do
"toMyParam Nothing". See below:

λ: let arr = [P1 3.0, P2 'x']

λ: toMyParam False

P2 'F'

λ: toMyParam (Just 'x')

P2 'x'

λ: toMyParam Nothing



    No instance for (ToMyParam a0) arising from a use of `toMyParam'

    The type variable `a0' is ambiguous

Code below:



data MyParam = P1 Double | P2 Char deriving Show


class ToMyParam a where

  toMyParam :: a -> MyParam


instance ToMyParam Bool where

  toMyParam False = P2 'F'

  toMyParam True = P2 'T'


instance ToMyParam Char where

  toMyParam = P2


instance ToMyParam Double where

  toMyParam = P1


instance ToMyParam a => ToMyParam (Maybe a) where

  toMyParam Nothing = P1 0.0

  toMyParam (Just x) = toMyParam x



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