[Haskell-beginners] arrows and 2-tuples

Dennis Raddle dennis.raddle at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 08:06:21 UTC 2016

I am a Haskell beginner. I have used arrows occasionally to move 2-tuples
around, but don't understand more than that.

I'm interested in know what's the connection between arrows and 2-tuples. I
don't really understand most of the Control.Arrow docs, but it seems that a
lot of stuff about arrows doesn't mention 2-tuples. Yet the operators
(***), (&&&), first, and second seem to be common. Is there some way to
explain the link?

Also, the main instance of Arrow seems to be (->). There is also something
about Kleisli monads, but I don't know what those are. Is there an another
big use case for arrows besides (->)? Don't worry about explaining it all,
just a quick mention would be fine and I can investigate it myself.

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