[Haskell-beginners] Noobie attempt to process log output into dependency graph

John Lusk johnlusk4 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 23:26:22 UTC 2016

Hi, all,

Here's my question:

I thought, for grins, I'd try to turn some log output into a dependency
graph (using GraphViz's dot(1)). I'm having difficulty forcing my stateful
paradigm into a functional one, so I need some help.

If I was to do this with an imperative (stateful) language, I'd build a set
of edges (or a map to a frequency count, really, since I'll use freq > 1 to
add some output text noting the repeated occurrences), and then dump out
the set elements to a text file that would look something like this

a -> q
q -> d
d -> e [color=red]
d -> f [color=red

My big problem now is that if I process a subtree that looks like:


my current plan is to proces the first b-c-d subtree and then process the
b-d-e subtree, *BUT* I need to pass the updated edge set to the second
processing call, which is pretty stateful.

Do I need to just bite the bullet and find some succinct way to do that, or
is my entire approach just wrong, stuck in my stateful mindset?

My (awful) code looks like this:

-- Emit to stdout a series of dot(1) edges specifying dependencies.--
"A -> B" means "A depends on B".---- Build with 'ghc
dependency-graph.hs'-- -- Input is a text file containing lines as
follows:--      (some indentation) (some extraneous text) (file-A) in
(some directory)--          (some extra indentation) (some extraneous
text) (file-B) in (some directory)--      (some indentation matching
the first line above) (some extraneous text) (file-C) in (some
directory)---- This means that file-A depends on file-B, but neither
file-A nor file-B depend on file-C.---- Sample:--
Information: 0 : Processing SXA.Compass.Config.ViewModel.dll  in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Allscripts Sunrise\Clinical Manager
Information: 0 : Adding C:\Program Files (x86)\Allscripts
Sunrise\Clinical Manager
Client\7.2.5575.0\SXA.Compass.Config.ViewModel.dll (IsPresent=true)
    to assemblyList at beginning of GetAssemblyListEx()--
Information: 0 : Processing SXA.Compass.Config.Utils.dll    in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Allscripts Sunrise\Clinical Manager
Client\7.2.5575.0\---- (Need to skip the line containing "Adding", and
only process the ones containing "Processing".)-- -- Algorithm:--
Read first line, parse, remember indentation--      Repeat for other
lines, but if indentation increases, store pair A -> B in hashset.--
   At end, dump out hashset.
-- import Debug.Trace-- import System.Environment-- import
System.Console.GetOpt-- import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)-- import
Data.List.Splitimport Prelude -- hiding (readFile) -- Because we want
the System.IO.Strict version-- import System.IO (hPutStr, hPutStrLn,
stderr)-- import System.IO.Strict-- import Control.Monad-- import
System.Directory-- import System.FilePathimport Text.Regex.TDFA--
import Text.Regex.TDFA.String-- import Text.Printf
-- import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as Mapimport qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
---------------------------------------------------------------- Test
Datal1 = "    Helios.MigrationTool.Common.AssemblyUtils.GetAssemblyList()
Information: 0 : Processing SXA.Compass.Config.ViewModel.dll\tin
C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Allscripts Sunrise\\Clinical Manager
Client\\7.2.5575.0\\"l2 = "
Information: 0 : Adding C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Allscripts
Sunrise\\Clinical Manager
assemblyList at beginning of GetAssemblyListEx()"l3 = "
Information: 0 : Processing SXA.Compass.Config.Utils.dll\tin
C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Allscripts Sunrise\\Clinical Manager
Test Data Ends-- See http://stackoverflow.com/q/32149354/370611--
toRegex = makeRegexOpts defaultCompOpt{multiline=False} defaultExecOpt
-- Escape parens?-- initialFillerRegex :: String-- initialFillerRegex
= "Helios.MigrationTool.Common.AssemblyUtils.GetAssemblyList\\(\\)
Information: 0 : Processing"
-- Regex matching (marking) a line to be processed-- valuableLineRegex
:: String-- valuableLineRegex = "\\bProcessing\\b"
-- |Regex matching line to be parsedparseLineRegex ::
StringparseLineRegex = "^(.* Information: 0 : Processing )([^ ]*)[
\t]+in (.*)" -- 3subexpressions
main :: IO()main = do
  logContents <- getContents
  putStrLn $ unlines $ fst $ edges (parseIndent $ lines logContents) Map.empty
|Parses out the leading indentation of the given String into a string
of spaces and the rest of the lineparseIndent :: String ->
(String,String)parseIndent s = ((fourth $ (s =~ "^( *)(.*)" ::
(String,String,String,[String]))) !! 0,
                 (fourth $ (s =~ "^( *)(.*)" ::
(String,String,String,[String]))) !! 1)
|Returns a list of strings describing edges in the form "a -> b /*
comment */"edges ::
  [(String,String)]             -- ^ Input tuples: (indent, restOfString)
  -> Map.Map String Int -- ^ Map of edges in form "a -> b" with a
count of the number of times that edge occurs
  -> [String]           -- ^ Output list of edge descriptions in form
"a -> b optionalExtraText"
edges [] edgeSet =
  (edgeDump $ Map.assocs edgeSet, 0)
edges (lastLine:[]) edgeSet =
  (edgeDump $ Map.assocs edgeSet, 1)
edges (fstLogLine:sndLogLine:[]) edgeSet =
  let fstFields = (snd fstLogLine) =~ parseLineRegex ::
      sndFields = (snd sndLogLine) =~ parseLineRegex ::
    if length (fourth fstFields) == 0
    then error ("Unmatched: " ++ (first fstFields)) -- First line must
always match
    else if length (fourth sndFields) == 0 -- "Adding", not "Processing"
    then edges (fstLogLine:[]) edgeSet -- Skip useless line
    else if indentLength fstLogLine >= indentLength sndLogLine
    then edges (sndLogLine:[]) edgeSet -- Can't be an edge from first
to second line; drop first line and keep going.
    else edges (sndLogLine:[])
         (Map.insertWith (+) ((fullName fstFields) ++ (fullName sndFields)) 1)
edges (fstLogLine:sndLogLine:thdLogLine:logLines) edgeSet =
  let fstFields = (snd fstLogLine) =~ parseLineRegex ::
      sndFields = (snd sndLogLine) =~ parseLineRegex ::
      thdFields = (snd thdLogLine) =~ parseLineRegex ::
    if length (fourth fstFields) == 0
    then error ("Unmatched: " ++ (first fstFields)) -- First line must
always match

    else if length (fourth sndFields) == 0 -- "Adding", not "Processing"
    then edges (fstLogLine:thdLogLine:logLines) edgeSet -- Skip useless line

    else if indentLength fstLogLine >= indentLength sndLogLine
    then []                     -- Stop processing at outdent

      -- Looking one of:
      --       1
      --          2 -- process 1 -> 2, then process 2.. as subtree
      --             3 -- Need to process as subtree rooted at 2, then
drop subtree (zero or more lines at same level as 3)
      -- or
      --       1
      --          2 -- processs, then drop this line (process 2.. as
empty subtree?)
      --          3
      -- or
      --       1
      --          2 -- process, then drop this line (drop entire
subtree rooted at 1) (same as above, drop empty subtree? (2))
      --       3
      -- or
      --       1
      --          2 -- same as above? Drop empty subtree rooted at 2
      --    3
      edges (sndLogLine:thdLogLine:logLines) (Map.insertWith (+)
((fullName fstFields) ++ (fullName sndFields)) 1) -- now what? I need
to pass the UPDATED edgeSet on to the next call, after the subtree
rooted at 2 is dropped.

    then edges (sndLogLine:logLines) edgeSet -- Can't be an edge from
first to second line; drop first line and keep going.
    else edges (sndLogLine:(takeWhile (increasingIndent $ length $ fst
fstLogLine) logLines))
         (Map.insertWith (+) ((fullName fstFields) ++ (fullName sndFields)) 1)
    else ((fst $ edges (sndLogLine:logLines) edgeSet)
           ++ (fst $ edges (fstLogLine:(drop
                                        (snd $ edges
(sndLogLine:logLines) edgeSet) -- # of lines processed
                                        logLines)) edgeSet),
          (snd $ edges (sndLogLine:logLines) edgeSet)
          + (snd $ edges (fstLogLine:(drop
                                      (snd $ edges
(sndLogLine:logLines) edgeSet) -- # of lines processed
                                      logLines)) edgeSet)
:: (String,String,String,[String]) -> Stringfullname
(_,_,_,[_,fileName,directoryName]) = directoryName ++ fileName
|Edges from the first line to all following linesedgesFrom :: String
          -- ^ First line
  -> [String]                   -- ^ Following lines
  -> Map.Map String Int         -- ^ Set of edges built so far
  -> [String]edgesFrom a b c = []
|Return length of indent or errorindentLength ::
(String,String,String,[String]) -- ^ Regex match context
  -> Int                                        -- ^ Length of
indentindentLength (prefix,_,_,[]) = error $ "Not matched: " ++
prefixindentLength (_,_,_,subexprs) =
  length $ subexprs !! 0
|Returns a list of edges, possibly with comments indicating occurrence
counts > 1edgeDump :: [(String,Int)]     -- ^ List of (edge,count)
  -> [String]                  -- ^ List of edges, possibly
w/commentsedgeDump [] = []edgeDump ((edge,count):rest)
  | count <= 1  = edge:(edgeDump rest)
  | otherwise   = (edge ++ " /* " ++ (show count) ++ " occurrences
*/"):(edgeDump rest)
:: (a,b,c,d) -> afirst (x,_,_,_) = x
fourth :: (a,b,c,d) -> dfourth (_,_,_,x) = x
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