[Haskell-beginners] Parse file with existentials

Dmitriy Matrosov sgf.dma at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 09:24:32 UTC 2016

>   {-# LANGUAGE GADTs                      #-}
>   {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                  #-}
>   {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
>   {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures             #-}
>   {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
>   {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
>   {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
>   import Prelude hiding (getLine)
>   import Data.Maybe
>   import Data.List
>   import Data.Typeable
>   import Control.Monad.Identity
>   import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity
>   import Control.Monad.Writer
>   import Control.Applicative
>   import System.FilePath


I ask for an opinion about interface (implemented below) for parsing
`rsync` filter files.  The parser does not parse full syntax, i wrote
it for determining rsync filter dependencies, when installing them
using `shake`.

So, i distinguish two kinds of lines: include of another filter file,
which looks like

     . file

and any other. I want to distinguish them at type level, so e.g. a
record function for one constructor can't be applied to another, etc.
I know, that i can prevent this at runtime by exporting only smart
constructor, but i want a type check.

>   data RsyncFilterT   = IncludeT | LineT
>   type IncludeT       = 'IncludeT
>   type LineT          = 'LineT
>   -- Particular rsync filters distinguishable at type-level.
>   data RsyncFilter :: RsyncFilterT -> * where
>       Include :: {getInclude :: FilePath}  -> RsyncFilter 'IncludeT
>       Line    :: {getLine :: String}       -> RsyncFilter 'LineT
>   deriving instance Show (RsyncFilter a)
>   deriving instance Typeable RsyncFilter

For accessing records i use lenses redefined here. I redefine them
with `Applicative` instead of `Functor` to make modify/set work even
if value does not have a required record (by returning original
(unmodified) value using `pure`).

>   type LensA a b = forall f. Applicative f => (b -> f b) -> a -> f a
>   viewA :: LensA a b -> a -> b
>   viewA l = fromJust . getLast . getConst . l (Const . Last . Just)
>   viewAmaybe :: LensA a b -> a -> Maybe b
>   viewAmaybe l = getLast . getConst . l (Const . Last . Just)
>   modifyA :: LensA a b -> (b -> b) -> a -> a
>   modifyA l f  = runIdentity . l (Identity . f)
>   modifyAA :: Applicative t => LensA a b -> (b -> t b) -> a -> t a
>   modifyAA l f = runIdentityT . l (IdentityT . f)
>   setA :: LensA a b -> b -> a -> a
>   setA l s     = modifyA l (const s)

Here're lenses for `RsyncFilter` (its constructors are distinguishable
at type-level, so i don't really need `Applicative` lenses here):

>   includeL :: LensA (RsyncFilter 'IncludeT) FilePath
>   includeL f z at Include {getInclude = x}   =
>       fmap (\x' -> z{getInclude = x'}) (f x)
>   lineL :: LensA (RsyncFilter 'LineT) FilePath
>   lineL f z at Line {getLine = x} =
>       fmap (\x' -> z{getLine = x'}) (f x)

The order of lines (may) matter, so i need to store all `RsyncFilter
a` values in a list in original file order.  But now the values are of
different type.  So.. i use existential container:

>   -- Generic container for any type of rsync filter.
>   data AnyFilter      = forall (a :: RsyncFilterT). Typeable a =>
>                           AnyFilter (RsyncFilter a)
>   deriving instance Show AnyFilter
>   deriving instance Typeable AnyFilter

And still i want to work on values of certain type to have some
guarantees against misuse, so i need to cast `AnyFilter` back into
`RsyncFilter` value:

>   -- Extract rsync filter from AnyFilter.
>   getFilter :: (forall (a :: RsyncFilterT). Typeable a =>
>                RsyncFilter a -> b) -> AnyFilter -> b
>   getFilter f (AnyFilter x)  = f x

and here i also want to use lenses, but now the value may be of
different type, that the lens expect, so i really need `Applicative`
lenses here:

>   rsyncIncludeL' :: LensA AnyFilter (RsyncFilter 'IncludeT)
>   rsyncIncludeL' f z  = maybe (pure z) (fmap AnyFilter . f)
(getFilter cast z)
>   rsyncIncludeL :: LensA AnyFilter FilePath
>   rsyncIncludeL       = rsyncIncludeL' . includeL
>   rsyncLineL' :: LensA AnyFilter (RsyncFilter 'LineT)
>   rsyncLineL' f z = maybe (pure z) (fmap AnyFilter . f)
>                       (getFilter cast z)
>   rsyncLineL :: LensA AnyFilter String
>   rsyncLineL      = rsyncLineL' . lineL

Then i define another Read/Show class just to be able to keep default
Read/Show instances:

>   class Serialize a where
>       fromString  :: String -> Maybe a
>       toString    :: a -> String
>   instance Serialize (RsyncFilter 'LineT) where
>       fromString          = Just . Line
>       toString (Line xs)  = xs
>   -- RULE and PATTERN separator is space (`_` not supported).
>   -- Only short rule names without modifiers are supported.
>   instance Serialize (RsyncFilter 'IncludeT) where
>       fromString          = go . break (== ' ')
>         where
>           go :: (String, String) -> Maybe (RsyncFilter 'IncludeT)
>           go (r, _ : x : xs)
>             | r == "."        = Just (Include (x : xs))
>           go _                = Nothing
>       toString (Include xs)   = ". " ++ xs
>   instance Serialize AnyFilter where
>       fromString x    =
>             fmap AnyFilter (fromString x :: Maybe (RsyncFilter
>         <|> fmap AnyFilter (fromString x :: Maybe (RsyncFilter 'LineT))
>       toString x      = fromMaybe "" $
>             fmap toString (viewAmaybe rsyncIncludeL' x)
>         <|> fmap toString (viewAmaybe rsyncLineL' x)

and a lens from String to AnyFilter, which effectively parses file and
writes it back:

>   rsyncAnyL :: LensA String AnyFilter
>   rsyncAnyL f z = maybe (pure z) (fmap toString . f) (fromString z)

And here is how i use this:

>   -- | Replace path prefix, if matched.
>   replacePrefix :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
>   replacePrefix old new x  = maybe x (combine new . joinPath) $
>       -- For ensuring that path prefix starts and ends at path
>       -- components (directories) boundaries, i first split them.
>       stripPrefix (splitDirectories old) (splitDirectories x)
>   -- | Rewrite path in rsync inlcude line @line@ from source path
>   -- @srcdir@ to install path @prefix@
>   --
>   -- > usedIncludes srcdir prefix line
>   --
>   -- and collect (rewritten) rsync include pathes in @Writer@ monad.
>   -- Other lines return as is.
>   usedIncludes :: FilePath        -- ^ Source path.
>                   -> FilePath     -- ^ Install path.
>                   -> String       -- ^ Line from rsync filter file.
>                   -> Writer [FilePath] String
>   usedIncludes srcdir prefix  =
>       modifyAA (rsyncAnyL . rsyncIncludeL) $ \x -> do
>         let x' = replacePrefix srcdir prefix x
>         tell [x']
>         return x'

and then a shake rule:

     -- | Add file rule for instaling rsync filters with extension
     -- @ext@, rewriting source path @srcdir@ to install path @prefix@
     -- in any rsync includes:
     -- > rsyncFilter ext srcdir prefix
     rsyncFilter :: String       -- ^ Extension.
                    -> FilePath  -- ^ Install path.
                    -> FilePath  -- ^ Source path.
                    -> Rules ()
     rsyncFilter ext prefix srcdir   = prefix ++ "//*" <.> ext %> \out -> do
         let src  = replacePrefix prefix srcdir out
         ls <- readFileLines src
         let (rs, incs) = runWriter $ mapM (usedIncludes srcdir prefix) ls
         need incs
         putNormal $ "> Write " ++ out
         writeFileChanged out . unlines $ rs

I probably won't think too much about this API, if i haven't read
[Luke Palmer's post about existentials][1] . And now i doubt, did i
fall into the same trap with existentials and does not see an obvious
solution with functions?


     Dmitriy Matrosov

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