[Haskell-beginners] Queues in Haskell

rohan sumant r.s.sumant at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 05:33:20 UTC 2016

    According to http://rafal.io/posts/haskell-queues.html (++) cant be
used to implement queues in Haskell. The reason being that a push operation
takes linear time which is indeed very valid given that (++) operates in
linear time. However, since Haskell is lazy shouldn't (++) be implemented
only when the need occurs? In head ([1..] ++ [10])
I sincerely doubt the the [10] is concatenated before evaluating the head
of the list.

Please note that this question is focused upon the internals of Haskell. I
am aware that there are other approaches to implementing queues in Haskell.

Rohan Sumant
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