[Haskell-beginners] Haskell package maturity

Marcin Mrotek marcin.jan.mrotek at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 15:02:43 UTC 2015


As for the queuelike package, I think its non-priority queue part loses
users to container's Sequence, monadic queues seem to at least partially
overlap in functionality with streaming libraries (pipes, conduit), and
priority queues are also implemented by a couple of packages
(priority-queue, pqueue). (also, I imagine not everyone likes the type
class + implementations style of programming.) Unfortunately, Hackage is a
bit of a mess. I've started programming in Haskell years after the last
version of queuelike was uploaded, and today is the first time I've heard
of it. The last time I needed a queue I've used Sequence, and when I was
googling for priority queues I didn't see any mention of this package. I
figure it being filed under "Algorithms" and not "Containers" also doesn't
help things.

As for the 0.* versions, as it was said, people in general seem not to pay
attention to the numbers, and only bump the major version when they make
some really significant change, or they run out of comfortable minor
version numbers. Hackage's package versioning policy insists only on
bumping the minor version number for breaking changes.

Best regards,
Marcin Mrotek
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