[Haskell-beginners] Why does floor not consider its argument an Integral?
Jeffrey Brown
jeffbrown.the at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 07:10:17 UTC 2015
I solved it. I was misreading the error report as being about the input to
floor, when the problem was the output of it. This code works:
splitArcAtIntegers:: Arc -> [Arc]
splitArcAtIntegers (a,b) = let
ceiling_ish = fromInteger $ (floor a) + 1
in if b <= a then []
else if b <= ceiling_ish then [(a,b)]
else (a,ceiling_ish) : splitArcAtIntegers (ceiling_ish,b)
On Sat, Nov 7, 2015 at 10:14 PM, Jeffrey Brown <jeffbrown.the at gmail.com>
> Tidal [1] defines these data types:
> type Time = Rational
> type Arc = (Time, Time)
> I want to write a function "splitMultiCycArc" which divides an Arc into
> mostly-integer segments, so that, for instance,
> splitMultiCycArc (0,1) = [(0,1)]
> splitMultiCycArc (0,2) = [(0,1),(1,2)]
> splitMultiCycArc (0,3) = [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3)]
> splitMultiCycArc (1%2,2) = [(1%2,1),(1,2)]
> splitMultiCycArc (1,5%2) = [(1,2),(2,5%2)]
> I thought I had solved the problem with this code:
> splitMultiCycArc:: Arc -> [Arc]
> splitMultiCycArc (a,b) = let ceiling_ish = floor a + 1 in
> if b <= a then []
> else if b <= ceiling_ish then [(a,b)]
> else (a,ceiling_ish) : splitMultiCycArc (ceiling_ish,b)
> When I try to load that, I get this single error:
> > :reload
> [12 of 13] Compiling Sound.Tidal.JBB ( Sound/Tidal/JBB.hs,
> interpreted )
> Sound/Tidal/JBB.hs:16:44:
> No instance for (Integral Time) arising from a use of ‘floor’
> In the first argument of ‘(+)’, namely ‘floor a’
> In the expression: floor a + 1
> In an equation for ‘ceiling_ish’: ceiling_ish = floor a + 1
> Failed, modules loaded: Sound.Tidal.Strategies, Sound.Tidal.Dirt,
> Sound.Tidal.Pattern, Sound.Tidal.Stream, Sound.Tidal.Parse,
> Sound.Tidal.Tempo, Sound.Tidal.Time, Sound.Tidal.Utils,
> Sound.Tidal.SuperCollider, Sound.Tidal.Params, Sound.Tidal.Transition.
> >
> And yet under other conditions, "floor" is perfectly happy operating on a
> Time value:
> > let a = (1%2,1) :: Arc
> > floor (fst a) + 1
> 1
> >
> [1] https://hackage.haskell.org/package/tidal
> --
> Jeffrey Benjamin Brown
Jeffrey Benjamin Brown
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