[Haskell-beginners] Getting Started

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Mon Nov 2 07:39:18 UTC 2015

On Sun, Nov 01, 2015 at 11:20:15PM +0530, Abhishek Kumar wrote:
> Hello Everyone
> I am new to haskell (learning right now). I want to contribute to data
> structure and algorithm libraries in haskell.Please guide me with
> appropriate links and how to start with.I have previous implementation
> experience in other languages.

Once you've gotten into the language I suggest you explore [Hackage][1]
and look for something that tickles your fancy when it comes to


[1]: http://hackage.haskell.org/

Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 
email: magnus at therning.org   jabber: magnus at therning.org
twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

Increasingly, people seem to misinterpret complexity as sophistication,
which is baffling--the incomprehensible should cause suspicion rather than
     -- Niklaus Wirth
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