[Haskell-beginners] Empty list
Joel Neely
joel.neely at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 11:54:29 UTC 2015
Given the distinction between lists and sets, you might also consider
Prelude Data.Set Data.List> [] `isInfixOf` [1,2,3]
Prelude Data.Set Data.List> (fromList []) `isSubsetOf` (fromList [1,2,3])
Of course `isInfixOf` is in general more restrictive than `isSubsetOf`, in
the sense that the infix relationship depends on ordering, which the subset
relationship does not.
Hope that helps,
On Wed, Mar 25, 2015 at 8:55 AM, Shishir Srivastava <
shishir.srivastava at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone please explain why this results in error -
> [] `elem` [1,2,3]
> Shouldn't the empty set by definition be the element of all sets including
> a non-empty set ?
> I am assuming 'Lists' are different from 'Sets' in Haskell, if yes, is
> there a separate module for dealing/working with sets ?
> Thanks,
> Shishir Srivastava
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