[Haskell-beginners] parsec and a never terminating parser
Adam Flott
adam at adamflott.com
Wed Mar 25 15:37:52 UTC 2015
I'm having trouble understanding why my simple parser never terminates when
specific input is used.
For example, let's say the first column is a field which can be in one of 4
states, empty, omitted, other, and any arbitrary value. That is,
data FieldState a = EmptyState | OmittedState | OtherState | FullState a
deriving (Eq, Ord)
When attempting to use,
$ echo "- " | ./parser
"- \n"
empty ('-')
$ echo "^ " | ./parser
"^ \n"
omitted ('^')
$ echo "~ " | ./parser
"~ \n"
other ('~')
[ all of this is as expected ]
$ echo "1 " | ./parser
"1 \n"
[ computer twiddles it's thumbs here until I manually terminate it ... ]
Does anyone know what's happening and now to alleviate it?
-- begin full code --
-- base
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Word
-- Hackage
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TLIO
import Text.Parsec (parse)
import Text.Parsec.Text.Lazy (Parser)
import Text.Parser.Combinators
import Text.Parser.Char
data FieldState a = EmptyState | OmittedState | OtherState | FullState a
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Functor FieldState where
fmap f (FullState a) = FullState (f a)
fmap _ EmptyState = EmptyState
fmap _ OmittedState = OmittedState
fmap _ OtherState = OtherState
instance Applicative FieldState where
pure = FullState
(FullState f) <*> (FullState x) = FullState (f x)
_ <*> _ = EmptyState
instance Monad FieldState where
(FullState x) >>= k = k x
EmptyState >>= _ = EmptyState
OmittedState >>= _ = OmittedState
OtherState >>= _ = OtherState
(FullState _) >> k = k
EmptyState >> _ = EmptyState
OmittedState >> _ = OmittedState
OtherState >> _ = OtherState
return = FullState
fail _ = EmptyState
instance Show (FieldState x) where
show (EmptyState) = "empty ('-')"
show (OmittedState) = "omitted ('^')"
show (OtherState) = "other ('~')"
show x' = show x'
data Counter = Counter Word64 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
parseNum :: (Num a) => Parser a
parseNum = do
n <- rd <$> many digit
return $ fromIntegral n
where rd = read :: String -> Integer
parseCounter :: Parser Counter
parseCounter = Counter <$> parseNum
parseFieldStateOff :: Parser Char
parseFieldStateOff = char '-'
parseFieldStateOmitted :: Parser Char
parseFieldStateOmitted = char '^'
parseFieldStateOther :: Parser Char
parseFieldStateOther = char '~'
parseFieldState :: Parser a -> Parser (FieldState a)
parseFieldState p = (parseFieldStateOff >> return EmptyState)
<|> (parseFieldStateOmitted >> return OmittedState)
<|> (parseFieldStateOther >> return OtherState)
<|> (p >>= return . FullState)
main :: IO ()
main = do
ls <- TLIO.getContents
print ls
mapM_ processLine (TL.lines ls)
processLine :: TL.Text -> IO ()
processLine line = case (parse (parseFieldState parseCounter) "" line) of
Left err -> print err
Right xs -> print xs
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