[Haskell-beginners] GHC not buying what I am offering this afternoon

Geoffrey Bays charioteer7 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 9 20:07:23 UTC 2015

My main function looks like this:

main :: [IO()]
main = do
    let stud1 = Student {name = "Geoff", average = -99.0, grades =
    let stud2 = Student {name = "Doug", average = -99.0, grades =
    let stud3 = Student {name = "Ron", average = -99.0, grades = [55,66,77]}
    let studList = [stud1,stud2]
    let newList = calcAvg studList
    [putStrLn $ show s | s <- newList]
    --putStrLn $ show (newList !! 0)
    --putStrLn $ show (newList !! 1)

With this final line, putStrLn $ show (newList !! 0), the type IO () in the
function declaration compiles fine.
But with [putStrLn $ show s | s <- newList] as the final line, [IO ()] in
the function declaration will not compile, I get this error:

    Couldn't match expected type `IO t0' with actual type `[IO ()]'

What does the declared type need to be for a final line of:
[putStrLn $ show s | s <- newList]  ???


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