[Haskell-beginners] best way to code this~~

Alex Hammel ahammel87 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 16:10:47 UTC 2015

> > f as alist = [ b | (a, b) <- alist, a `elem` as ]
> >
> > perhaps?
> perhaps.  i have no idea how that works.  but don't spoil it for me
> though, i'm going to go of and study it :-)

It's a list comprehension <https://wiki.haskell.org/List_comprehension>. I
hope that's not too much of a spoiler :)

> unsure what the ~(ts, fs) syntax is though, removing the `~` doesn't seem
> to matter.

Makes it lazier

> this seems fairly clean. i noticed that partition simply uses foldr.  it
> looks like select is just a helper so that partition isn't cluttered.  i'm
> unsure why select was broken out as a separate function instead of just
> being in a where clause.  possibly to be able to assign it a an explicit
> type signature ?

You can assign type signatures in `let` and `where` clauses:

f = let i :: Int
        i = 1
    in increment i
        increment :: Int -> Int
        increment = (+) 1

This is often quite a good idea. Type signatures are excellent,
machine-checkable documentation.

> extract :: [(String,b)] -> [String] -> ([b], [String])
> extract alist l =
>   let inList s = lookup (uppercase s) alist
>       (l1, l2) = partitionMaybe inList l
>   in
>    (l1, l2)
> partitionMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> ([b],[a])
> partitionMaybe p xs = foldr (select p) ([],[]) xs
> select :: (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> ([b], [a]) -> ([b], [a])
> select p x ~(ts,fs) | isJust y = ((fromJust y):ts,fs)
>                     | otherwise = (ts, x:fs)
>   where
>     y = p x

 Couple of things:

`fromJust` is a code smell. In general, you should at least consider
replacing it with `fromMaybe (error msg)` where `msg` is a more useful
error message than '*** Exception: Maybe.fromJust: Nothing'.

Of course in this particular case, that will never come up because you can
prove that `y` is never Nothing using the guard condition. But in that
case, it's better practice to use pattern matching and let the compiler
prove it for you:

select p y ~(xs,ys) = acc $ p y
        acc (Just x) = (x:xs,   ys)
        acc Nothing  = (  xs, y:ys)

The `partitionMaybe` function looks a bit odd to me. The computation you're
trying to express is 'If this computation succedes, return whatever value
it returned, but if it fails return some default value'. This is not a
natural use of the Maybe data type: that's what Either is for. There's even
a `partitionEithers` library function. `lookup` returns Maybe, not Either,
but we can fix that.

Here's my go (I've changed around the API a little bit as well)

toEither :: a -> (Maybe b) -> Either a b
toEither _ (Just x) = Right x
toEither y Nothing  = Left  y

lookupEither :: Eq a => a -> [(a,b)] -> Either a b
lookupEither key assocs = toEither key $ lookup key assocs

uppercase :: String -> String
uppercase = map toUpper

extract :: [String] -> [(String,b)] -> ([String],[b])
extract xs assocs =
    let xs' = map uppercase xs
        eithers = map (\x -> lookupEither x assocs) xs'
        -- spoilers: same as [ lookupEither x assocs | x <- xs' ]
    in partitionEithers eithers
main :: IO ()main = print $ extract ["Foo", "Bar"] [("FOO",1), ("BAZ",2)]

This differs slightly from your algorithm in that it returns
'(["BAR"],[1]), where yours would return (["Bar"],[1]). If preserving
the original case in the output, I would either write a
`caseInsensitiveLookup` function, or use a case insensitive text
data type.
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