[Haskell-beginners] case statement

Imants Cekusins imantc at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 10:21:54 UTC 2015

interestingly, the below test fails. May I ask:

If "case" a1 is not the same as "where" a1, what is its value?
Why does x=1 match against a1?

note: result1 indent is aligned with a1 on the previous line

------  test

module TestCase where
import Test.Hspec

main = hspec $ do
       describe "TestCase" $ do
          it "case 1 - pass" $ do
            result1 1 `shouldBe` "one"
          it "case 2 - fail" $ do
            result1 2 `shouldBe` "two"
       where   a1 = 2
               result1 x = case x of
                              a1 -> "one"
                              2 -> "two"

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