[Haskell-beginners] Defining ExtensionClass (Maybe a) instance in xmonad.

Dmitriy Matrosov sgf.dma at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 19:51:34 UTC 2015

  On 2015年01月19日 17:55, Brandon Allbery wrote:
  > ExtensionClass data is stored in the layout and therefore
  > requires those constraints. No, there is no magic to
  > cause non-persistent ExtensionClass data to be stored in
  > some other place different from where the rest of it is
  > stored.

Thanks for answer, but i don't understand why it should be
stored differently (i don't know how Typeable and
ExtensionClass works, so may be this is the reason): if i

     instance (ExtensionClass a) => ExtensionClass (Maybe a) where
	initialValue = Nothing
	extensionType = StateExtension

then there is no (Show a, Read a) constraint. It will come
up only, when i mention PersistentExtension in one of case
branches, but, on the other hand, may be i can avoid
pattern-matching on StateExtension constructor and somehow
use data constructor from (extensionType :: a ->
StateExtension) directly?  I'm already have (ExtensibleState
a) constraint, so does type a has Show and Read instances or
not, i think, this is correct (at least theoretically) to
define extensionType for (Maybe a) to use the same data

  > I'm also wondering how much trouble you can get into by
  > conflicting with some other ExtensionClass that already
  > uses Maybe.

Well, i've just tried to restart xmobar properly, when i
reload xmonad. I've noticed, that xmobar restarts with
xmonad only, when it uses StdinReader (in template),
otherwise new (another) xmobar instance spawned.

I want to define generic way for restarting something,
spawned by xmonad.

 > {-# LANGUAGE    MultiParamTypeClasses
 >               , FunctionalDependencies
 >               , FlexibleInstances
 >               , FlexibleContexts
 >               , DeriveDataTypeable #-}
 > import XMonad
 > import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS
 > import System.Posix.Process
 > import System.IO
 > import System.Posix.IO
 > import System.Posix.Types

I may define a data type containing required start/stop
functions and depending on some identifier (ProcessID

 > data Restartable a = Restartable
 >                       { killP :: a -> X ()
 >                       , runP  :: X a
 >                       }

or i can define interface, which all identifiers should

 > class RestartClass a where
 >   killP' :: a -> X ()
 >   runP'  :: X a

Then i may store (Maybe a) in extensible state and write
generic restart functions:

 > restartP :: (ExtensionClass (Maybe a)) => Restartable a -> X ()
 > restartP r    = do
 >   mp <- XS.get
 >   whenJust mp (killP r)
 >   p' <- runP r
 >   XS.put (Just p')
 > restartP' :: (ExtensionClass (Maybe a), RestartClass a) => X a
 > restartP'     = do
 >   mp <- XS.get
 >   whenJust mp killP'
 >   p' <- runP'
 >   XS.put (Just p' `asTypeOf` mp)
 >   return p'

and, finally, i may define Restartable value and
RestartClass instance for xmobar, and define restart
function for xmobar:

 > newtype XmobarPID = XmobarPID ProcessID
 >   deriving (Show, Read, Typeable)
 > newtype XmobarHandle = XmobarHandle (Maybe Handle)
 >   deriving (Typeable)
 > instance ExtensionClass XmobarHandle where
 >     initialValue  = XmobarHandle Nothing
 > instance (Show a, Read a, Typeable a) => ExtensionClass (Maybe a) where
 >    initialValue   = Nothing
 >    extensionType  = PersistentExtension
 > -- For data type approach..
 > xmobarP :: Restartable XmobarPID
 > xmobarP   = Restartable killXmobar runXmobar
 >   where
 >     killXmobar :: XmobarPID -> X ()
 >     killXmobar (XmobarPID p)  = io $ spawn ("kill " ++ show p)
 >     runXmobar :: X XmobarPID
 >     runXmobar     = do
 >       (h, p) <- spawnPipe' ["/usr/bin/xmobar", "/home/sgf/.xmobarrc"]
 >       XS.put (XmobarHandle (Just h))
 >       return (XmobarPID p)
 > restartXmobar :: X ()
 > restartXmobar     = restartP xmobarP
 > -- For type-class approach..
 > instance RestartClass XmobarPID where
 >   killP' (XmobarPID p) = io $ spawn ("kill " ++ show p)
 >   runP'                = do
 >       (h, p) <- spawnPipe' ["/usr/bin/xmobar", "/home/sgf/.xmobarrc"]
 >       XS.put (XmobarHandle (Just h))
 >       return (XmobarPID p)
 > restartXmobar' :: X ()
 > restartXmobar'    = do
 >       p <- restartP'
 >       let _ = p `asTypeOf` XmobarPID undefined
 >       return ()
 > -- Rewritten version from XMonad.Util.Run: do not run shell and return
 > -- ProcessID .
 > spawnPipe' :: [String] -> X (Handle, ProcessID)
 > spawnPipe' (x : xs) = io $ do
 >         (rd, wr) <- createPipe
 >         setFdOption wr CloseOnExec True
 >         h <- fdToHandle wr
 >         hSetBuffering h LineBuffering
 >         p <- xfork $ do
 >               _ <- dupTo rd stdInput
 >               executeFile x False xs Nothing
 >         closeFd rd
 >         return (h, p)

but here i can't reuse ExtensionClass (Maybe a) instance for
XmobarHandle, because Handle does not have Read instance and
can't have extensionType = PersistentExtension . So i've
added Maybe in XmobarHandle newtype.

Also, i may go the other way: add Maybe to XmobarPID value,
and then define ExtensionClass instance for XmobarPID. Then
i won't need ExtensionClass (Maybe a) instance.

 > newtype XmobarPID2 = XmobarPID2 (Maybe ProcessID)
 >   deriving (Typeable, Show, Read)
 > instance ExtensionClass XmobarPID2 where
 >     initialValue  = XmobarPID2 Nothing
 >     extensionType = PersistentExtension

In this case i need a way to convert value of some type into

 > class Lens a b | a -> b where
 >     view :: a -> b
 >     set  :: b -> a -> a
 > instance Lens XmobarPID2 (Maybe XmobarPID) where
 >     view (XmobarPID2 x)           = fmap XmobarPID x
 >     set (Just (XmobarPID x)) _    = XmobarPID2 (Just x)
 >     set Nothing  z                = z

then restartP and restartP' should be adjusted to use
view/set from Lens class

 > -- Why ghc can't infer type a from b here? I.e. i need to return X a, not
 > -- X () as before. Is it because of functional dependency a -> b in Lens
 > -- definition ?
 > restartP2 :: (ExtensionClass a, Lens a (Maybe b)) => Restartable b -> X a
 > restartP2 r       = do
 >   mp <- XS.get
 >   whenJust (view mp) (killP r)
 >   p' <- runP r
 >   let mp' = set (Just p') mp
 >   XS.put mp'
 >   return mp'
 > restartP2' :: (ExtensionClass a, Lens a (Maybe b), RestartClass b) => X a
 > restartP2'      = do
 >     mp <- XS.get
 >     whenJust (view mp) killP'
 >     p' <- runP'
 >     let mp' = set (Just p') mp
 >     XS.put mp'
 >     return mp'

but now restartXmobar with Restartable value will not be
that simple as before:

 > restartXmobar2 :: X ()
 > restartXmobar2    = do
 >   p <- restartP2 xmobarP
 >   let _ = p `asTypeOf` XmobarPID2 undefined
 >   return ()
 > restartXmobar2' :: X ()
 > restartXmobar2'   = do
 >   p <- restartP2'
 >   let _ = p `asTypeOf` XmobarPID2 undefined
 >   return ()

So, i end up with two start/stop interface implementations:
     - Restartable data type
     - or RestartClass.

and with two extensible state implementations:
     - store identifier in Maybe
     - or add Maybe to identifier itself.

I don't like `asTypeOf` in restartXmobar variants . And i
don't like, that i can't reuse ExtensionClass (Maybe a)
instance for XmobarHandle ..

What implementation will be more idiomatic? Or, may be,
something completely different?

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