[Haskell-beginners] Hello + Testing Framework

fr33domlover fr33domlover at riseup.net
Sun Feb 22 16:26:42 UTC 2015

First of all, hello! I'm a fresh Haskell beginner and this is my first message
to Haskell MLs.

I recently began a tiny dummy project. Its code is minimal and its purpose it
to help me learn all the common developer tasks that aren't coding: debugging,
releasing, testing and so on. Especially organizing the project repository,
before I start "real" things.

My first problem was choosing a test framework and integrating it with `cabal
test`. There's a lot of info, sometimes contradicting due to changes in recent
years. Anyway I'll just blog about this later and now get to the point. I chose
Tasty as my test framework.

In the cabal user guide I read about the test-suite type "detailed-0.9" being
preferred for new projects. Later after choosing Tasty I started adding basic
support to my dummy project, and in the cabal integration section I see it says
to use the older "exitcode-stdio-1.0".

I also don't see a clear way to use detailed, because Tasty supplies its
"defaultMain" function meant to generate an executable. But I just tool a brief
look, not touched internals of Tasty at all.

The question: Should I use deatiled-0.9? If yes, how? Or should I just use
exitcode-stdio-1.0 as the Tasty manual says?

Thanks in advance!

fr33domlover         <http://www.rel4tion.org/people/fr33domlover>
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