[Haskell-beginners] IO and purity

Kim-Ee Yeoh ky3 at atamo.com
Sun Apr 26 12:04:05 UTC 2015

On Sun, Apr 26, 2015 at 5:16 PM, Jakob Holderbaum <mailings at jakob.io> wrote:

> I am myself an absolute beginner in Haskell and Functional Thinking so I
> hope to get some constructive feedback on my mental image of this situation.

When you write: "From the perspective of the programm, you just call a
function without argument that returns a string"

you veer close to the lousy thinking that Everything is a Function. Conal
Elliott did the delousing here:


Have a read, and if you're not convinced, come back here and ask for more

-- Kim-Ee
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