[Haskell-beginners] dropWhile returning last dropped element

Michael Orlitzky michael at orlitzky.com
Fri Apr 17 21:18:37 UTC 2015

On 04/17/2015 04:08 PM, martin wrote:
> Hello all
> Just curious: is there a library function like dropWhile, but which returns last dropped element along with the
> remainder of the list?
> If not, how can I write one
> - without explicit recursion
> - without traversing the list more than once
> - without traversing more of the list than necessary

Here's a version that meets your last two criteria, complete with
QuickCheck tests to make sure it works. Why do you want to avoid
recursion? You could rewrite this to use list indices if you really
wanted to, but anything you come up with is going to be essentially
recursive, only less safe


module Main

import Test.QuickCheck

-- | A version of dropWhile that returns the last element dropped as
--   well as the remainder of the list. This is simply sugar over the
--   'dw' function, so you don't have to pass in a (Nothing,) tuple at
--   first.
dropWhile' :: (a -> Bool)    -- ^ The predicate used to drop stuff
           -> [a]            -- ^ The list of stuff
           -> (Maybe a, [a]) -- ^ (The last element dropped, list tail)
dropWhile' p xs = dw p (Nothing, xs)

-- | The \"real\" implementation of the dropWhile'.
dw :: (a -> Bool)     -- ^ The predicate used to drop stuff
   -> (Maybe a, [a]) -- ^ (Current last element dropped, current list)
   -> (Maybe a, [a]) -- ^ (New last element dropped, remaining list)

-- This case is pretty easy. There's nothing left in the list, so just
-- return what we've got.
dw _ (lastdropped, []) = (lastdropped, [])

dw predicate (lastdropped, xs@(x:tail_of_xs))
  -- Drop the first element of the list, and "update" the return value
  -- before recursing.
  | predicate x = dw predicate (Just x, tail_of_xs)

  -- We're not dropping any more, just quit.
  | otherwise = (lastdropped, xs)

-- | Make sure the tail of the list we get back is the same as it would
--   be if we used dropWhile.
prop_tailcorrect :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_tailcorrect ints =
  actual == expected
    (_, actual) = dropWhile' even ints
    expected = dropWhile even ints

-- | Use a slower algorithm to make sure that we're getting the
--   correct \"last item dropped\".
prop_lastcorrect :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_lastcorrect ints =
  actual == expected
    (actual, _) = dropWhile' even ints
    expected = case (reverse $ takeWhile even ints) of
                 [] -> Nothing
                 (x:_) -> Just x

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