[Haskell-beginners] HXT: encoding problem

Elias Diem lists at webconect.ch
Sat Sep 27 15:57:08 UTC 2014

Hi guys

I have got the following haskell program:

import Text.XML.HXT.Core

main = do
    xml <- readFile "test_data-small.xml"
    let doc = readString config xml
    res <- runX . xshow $
        getChildren >>> isElem >>> hasName "contacts"
        deep isText
    mapM_ putStrLn res

config =
    [ withParseHTML                 no
    , withWarnings                  yes
    , withInputEncoding             utf8
    , withOutputEncoding            utf8
    , withValidate                  yes

The file 'test_data-small.xml' contains the following data:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>




Note the umlaut in the lastname!

If I run the program, I get the following error:

error: UTF-8 encoding error at input position 127: ValueOutOfBounds

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


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