[Haskell-beginners] Are these soloutions all valid and a good use of Haskell
Kees Bleijenberg
k.bleijenberg at lijbrandt.nl
Tue Nov 11 14:46:02 UTC 2014
The program traverses the list from right to left. The first element that
acc sees during traversal is the last element of the list.
The idea is as follows:
Parameter y is the partial calcresult.
If y (in your code) is Nothing then acc returns Just x. So the new partial
result is the current list element in a Just.
The next time acc is called, y is not Nothing but a Just. In that case acc
returns the partial calcresult unchanged.
So, y is Nothing for the last list element and Just <last element of the
list> for all other list elements.
last5 :: [a] -> Maybe a
last5 xs = foldr acc initial xs
acc :: a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
acc x Nothing = Just x
acc _ aJust = aJust
initial :: Maybe a
initial = Nothing
In your code you dont need the where in the acc definition. Define acc
for Nothing and for Just.
Im now trying to make a rfold solution to this problem.
Till now I have this :
last5 :: [a] -> Maybe a
last5 xs = foldr acc initial xs
acc :: a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
acc x y = where
acc x Nothing = Just x
acc _ j = j
initial :: Maybe a
initial = Nothing
So still not working.
Can someone explain to me in small steps how to figure out what the right
answer is to the acc part.
Roelof Wobben schreef op 11-11-2014 8:20:
Thanks, this is working well.
But just for understanding
in the part acc x Nothing x is the input string,
and in the part _j means the same as (xs:x)
Alex Hammel schreef op 10-11-2014 22:47:
It's an indentation issue. Make sure that there are no spaces before the bit
about 'last5 = foldr acc' etc.
On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Roelof Wobben <r.wobben at home.nl> wrote:
Roelof Wobben schreef op 10-11-2014 20:59:
last5 :: [a] -> Maybe a
last5 = foldr acc Nothing where
acc x Nothing = Just x
acc _ j = j
When I enter this in GHCI I see this error :
Illegal type signature: [a] -> Maybe a last5
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