[Haskell-beginners] Type class vs. Record: How do I model an interface in Haskell?
Dimitri DeFigueiredo
defigueiredo at ucdavis.edu
Thu May 29 00:26:18 UTC 2014
Hi All,
I have another modeling related question. This time is about how to
model an interface in haskell.
(full code in https://github.com/defigueiredo/interfaces-in-haskell)
I have an interface that I want any Stock Exchange to follow. I can
think of 3 different ways to do this in Haskell:
- write a type class and then instantiate it for 3 different types
- use a record and associate the appropriate function to each field
- use a module and define the appropriate function in each file
These options seem to go from most restrictive to least restrictive. In
the sense that in the last solution I can make two functions calls:
print $ NYSE.getPendingOrders
print $ NASDAQ.getPendingOrders
and the getPendingOrders functions don't even need to have exactly the
same types between the two modules. I can see how this could be useful
Using record syntax is more restrictive as the type signatures for the
functions have to match, but I am not sure what I get from having a type
class here, rather than just the records. Comparing the model
declarations, the type class solution has an extra parameter 'a'
clobbering up the signatures:
module Model where
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
-- Units
type Volume = Double
type Price = Double
type OrderID = Int
type Timestamp = POSIXTime
-- Orders
data OrderType = Buy | Sell deriving Show
data Order = Order { order::OrderType,
price ::Price,
volume ::Volume,
confirmation :: Maybe (OrderID, Timestamp) }
deriving Show
------ All versions identical until here ------
class Exchange a where
sellAt :: a -> Price -> Volume -> Order
buyAt :: a -> Price -> Volume -> Order
getPendingOrders :: a -> Maybe [Order] -- returns [Order] or
Nothing if can't get that information
cancelOrder :: a -> OrderID -> Order -> Maybe (Either Order
Order) -- returns canceled order (right) or
-- what was still pending if already executed (left)
-- or Nothing, if has no connectivity (or other error).
whereas the record solution is...
------ All versions identical until here ------
data Exchange = Exchange {
sellAt :: Price -> Volume -> Order,
buyAt :: Price -> Volume -> Order,
getPendingOrders :: Maybe [Order]
cancelOrder :: OrderID -> Order -> Maybe (Either Order Order),
instances look pretty similar:
where's the type class solution...
module NYSE where
import Model
data NYSE = NYSE
instance Exchange NYSE where
sellAt = error "NYSE doesn't sell."
getPendingOrders a = Just [Order Buy 50 100 Nothing]
buyAt = undefined
cancelOrder = undefined
here's the record solution...
module NYSE where
import Model
nyse = Exchange {
sellAt = error "NYSE doesn't sell.",
getPendingOrders = Just [Order Buy 50 100 Nothing],
buyAt = undefined,
cancelOrder = undefined
So, my questions are:
1) What do I get from making this a type class rather than using records?
2) Is there an even better solution I have overlooked?
(full code for 3 different solutions in
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