[Haskell-beginners] parallelizing a function for generating prime numbers

Norbert Melzer timmelzer at gmail.com
Fri May 16 15:53:31 UTC 2014

Hi there!

I am trying to enhence the speed of my Project Euler solutions…

My original function is this:

problem10' ::  Integer
problem10' = sum $ takeWhile (<=2000000) primes
    primes                  = filter isPrime possiblePrimes
    isPrime n               = n == head (primeFactors n)
    possiblePrimes          = (2:3:concat [ [6*pp-1, 6*pp+1] | pp <- [1..]
    primeFactors m          = pf 2 m
    pf n m | n*n > m        = [m]
           | n*n       == m  = [n,n]
           | m `mod` n == 0  = n:pf n (m `div` n)
           | otherwise      = pf (n+1) m

Even if the generation of primes is relatively slow and could be much
better, I want to focus on parallelization, so I tried the following:

parFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
parFilter _ [] = []
parFilter f (x:xs) =
  let px = f x
      pxs = parFilter f xs
  in par px $ par pxs $ case px of True -> x : pxs
                                   False -> pxs

problem10' ::  Integer
problem10' = sum $ takeWhile (<=2000000) primes
    primes                  = parFilter isPrime possiblePrimes
    isPrime n               = n == head (primeFactors n)
    possiblePrimes          = (2:3:concat [ [6*pp-1, 6*pp+1] | pp <- [1..]
    primeFactors m          = pf 2 m
    pf n m | n*n > m        = [m]
           | n*n       == m  = [n,n]
           | m `mod` n == 0  = n:pf n (m `div` n)
           | otherwise      = pf (n+1) m

This approach was about half as slow as the first solution (~15 seconds
old, ~30 the new one!).

Trying to use `Control.Parallel.Strategies.evalList` for `possiblePrimes`
resulted in a huge waste of memory, since it forced to generate an endless
list, and does not stop…

Trying the same for `primeFactors` did not gain any speed, but was not much
slower at least, but I did not expect much, since I look at its head only…

Only thing I could imagine to parallelize any further would be the
takeWhile, but then I don't get how I should do it…

Any ideas how to do it?

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