[Haskell-beginners] How do I do inheritance in haskell?

Dimitri DeFigueiredo defigueiredo at ucdavis.edu
Thu May 8 08:26:27 UTC 2014



 I am trying to understand how to "factor out" common functionality in
 (All the code is available here
https://github.com/defigueiredo/inheritance-in-haskell [1])

 I am receiving orderbook data from a Bitcoin Exchange, through their
 (available at https://www.bitstamp.net/api/order_book/ [2])

 I have a generic JSON parser that parses the text response and gives me
back a generic 
 JSON object I called Jvalue. This data type represents any JSON object
and is defined as follows.

 (see json.org for full JSON specs)

 import qualified Data.Map as Map

 data Jvalue = Jobject (Map.Map String Jvalue)
 | Jarray [Jvalue] 
 | Jstring String
 | Jnumber Double
 | Jbool Bool
 | Jnull
 deriving Show

 Now, I have to convert this (if possible) into an OrderBook type. An
orderbook is basically two lists. One list of the orders placed by
people who want to buy, the "bids", and the other with the orders of
people who want to sell, the "asks". Each order specifies what price
should be paid and how many bitcoins to buy/sell (the volume).

 The functions for generating the lists of bids and asks are essentially
the same. However, they might need to know if they are creating bids or
asks. So, I may need to pass a parameter with that information. I can
make that parameter a function or a type (or I may not need it). These
three different ideas give rise to 3 different ways to define the

 1) We can make each Order a type with two constructors (my initial
 newtype Volume = Volume Double deriving (Show)
 newtype Price = Price Double deriving (Show)

 data Order = Bid {price::Price, volume::Volume} 
 | Ask {price::Price, volume::Volume}
 deriving (Show)

 data OrderBook = OrderBook{ bids::[Order] , asks::[Order] } deriving

 2) We can make Bid and Ask types themselves
 newtype Volume = Volume Double deriving (Show)
 newtype Price = Price Double deriving (Show)

 data Order = Order {price::Price, volume::Volume} deriving (Show)

 newtype Bid = Bid Order deriving Show
 newtype Ask = Ask Order deriving Show

 data OrderBook = OrderBook{ bids::[Bid] , asks::[Ask] } deriving (Show)

 3) We can make Order a class 
 newtype Volume = Volume Double deriving (Show)
 newtype Price = Price Double deriving (Show)

 class Order a where
 makeOrder :: String -> String -> a

 data Ask = Ask {aprice::Price, avolume::Volume} deriving (Show)
 instance Order Ask where
 makeOrder = makeAsk

 data Bid = Bid {bprice::Price, bvolume::Volume} deriving (Show)
 instance Order Bid where
 makeOrder = makeBid

 data OrderBook = OrderBook{ bids::[Bid] , asks::[Ask] } deriving (Show)

 -- makeAsk and MakeBid defined later

 It is not clear to me which one of these should be used and, most
importantly, which criteria should be used to choose between them. I
wrote up the code to do the conversion of the Jvalue object into an
OrderBook in the 3 different ways. (The third one came out of a
discussion from a haskell meetup group.)

 (All the code is available here
https://github.com/defigueiredo/inheritance-in-haskell [1])

 Any insights on how to choose between them would be *greatly*




[1] https://github.com/defigueiredo/inheritance-in-haskell
[2] https://www.bitstamp.net/api/order_book/
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