[Haskell-beginners] Hello World

John M. Dlugosz ngnr63q02 at sneakemail.com
Wed Mar 26 22:40:14 UTC 2014

I'm learning Haskell as a background activity, and just wanted to introduce myself and get 
the list subscription stuff sorted out.

My primary machine runs Windows 7.  I have Haskell Platform working OK including GCHi-Win, 
but could not get Lekseh to work.  However, trying that showed me the world of Cabel, and 
I have yet to find an introduction/tutorial on that.  The Haskell Platform comes with some 
libraries, but doesn't have a Cabel tool or anything I'd reconize as a repository, like 
Lekseh was setting up.

It's said that the best feature of Perl is CPAN.  I suppose Cabel is Haskell's equivalent 
of that, or aims to be.  So, what's up with that?  Starting from a blank prompt (that can 
run ghc successfully) now what?


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