[Haskell-beginners] combining a trifecta parser with FreshMT from unbound

Andreas Reuleaux reuleaux at web.de
Wed Jul 30 23:42:49 UTC 2014

OK, I have made some progress, and have uploaded two programs to

* one that works:
  trifecta + unbound, works:

* and one that doesn't
  trifecta + unbound, fails

the working version is simpler, in that it defines PiParser just as a
type synonym

  type PiParser = FreshMT InnerParser

maybe I should be happy already that I got that working, e.g.

> parseTest (runInnerParser $ runFreshMT $ whiteSpace *> many identifier) " wow {- bla -} this rocks"
> ["wow","this","rocks"]

to install: cabal install trifecta + unbound in a sandbox e.g.

Now in the second version, I have in addition wrapped the FreshMT in a newtype

  newtype FreshT m a = F {
    runF :: FreshMT m a
     } deriving (Monad, Functor, Applicative, MonadPlus, MonadTrans)

  type PiParser = FreshT InnerParser

While this might not be necessary in this simple case here,
I can imagine situations, where doing so might come in handy.

Consequently have to add a few more instances for the parser:

  instance CharParsing PiParser where

and of course I need an additional step of unwrapping with runF

  runInnerParser $ runFreshMT $ runF someparser

(In both versions TokenParser is defined on the PiParser)

I would expect that I can parse something like the above test string
similarily, but unfortunately this is not the case:

> parseTest (runInnerParser $ runFreshMT $ runF (whiteSpace *> many identifier)) "  oh too {- bla -} bad"

I can at most parse one letter:

> parseTest (runInnerParser $ runFreshMT $ runF (whiteSpace *> identifier)) "oh too {- bla -} bad"

I don't really see, how wrapping the FreshMT in a newtype harms the parser?

Thanks in advance


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