[Haskell-beginners] Equality error
patrick.browne at dit.ie
Thu Jul 10 12:38:00 UTC 2014
I am trying to get some Haskell code to run from a research paper[1]
The relevant fragment is shown below. The issue is that I cannot get the
code to run using the original Eq instance.
I have replaced the Eq instance with a set of deriving statements on the
data types and this works fine.
But I am anxious to know why I get the error when using the original code.
Also, it seems reasonable to be able to define equality based on names.
With the original Eq Instance I get the following error:
Context reduction stack overflow;...
In the expression: elem car cars
In an equation for `element': element car cars = elem car cars
In the instance declaration for `Collection Cars Car'
I am not too sure how to interpret this message.
Any clarification of the error and possible fix would be appreciated.
[1] ifgi.uni-muenster.de/~sumitsen/sen_Font05.pdf
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses,
,OverlappingInstances #-}
import Data.List
class Collection collection single where
empty :: collection
addOne :: single -> collection -> collection
remove :: single -> collection -> collection
element :: single -> collection -> Bool
doToAll :: (single -> single) -> collection -> collection
class Named object name | object -> name where
name :: object -> name
-- **** in original code ****
-- All named objects can be compared for equality if names can
instance (Eq name, Named object name) => Eq object where
object1 == object2 = (name object1) == (name object2)
-- could add (Eq, Show) here
data Edge = Edge Node Node deriving Show -- (Eq, Show)
type Name = [Char]
data Node = Node Name deriving Show -- (Eq, Show)
data Car = Car Node deriving Show -- (Eq, Show)
type Cars = [Car]
instance Named Car Name where
name c = "a"
instance Collection Cars Car where
empty = [] -- ::Cars
addOne car cars = car:cars
remove car cars = delete car cars
element car cars = elem car cars
doToAll f cars = map f cars
-- addOne (Car (Node "a")) [Car (Node "a")]
-- addOne (Car (Node "a")) []::Cars
-- addOne (Car (Node "b")) [(Car (Node "a"))]
-- remove (Car (Node "a")) (addOne (Car (Node "b")) [(Car (Node "a"))])
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