[Haskell-beginners] Using IORef

Courtney Robinson courtney at crlog.info
Tue Jan 7 02:33:02 UTC 2014

I've found this example.

counter :: IO Int
counter = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

getUnique :: IO Int
getUnique = atomicModifyIORef counter $ \x -> let y = x + 1 in (y, y)

Which I ran, and I know works in as much as calling getUnique multiple
times results in an incremented value.

I have two things I'm failing to see about it.

1) Why doesn't counter return a newIORef with value 0, every time getUnique
is called there by producing a value of 1 no matter how often getUnique is
called?  Is this this because it returns an IORef so counter just becomes
bound to the value it first returns and it's not evaluated again and the
IORef is just returned, or something else?

2) Why does the lambda return a tuple and why does the example return the
same value in both positions i.e. (y,y)? The only thing I could think of is
because the name has "atomic" that the values in the tuple is being used
for some sort of compare and swap,CAS.

P.S I didn't find
on the matter and I know that example is not great because
the atomicModifyIORef is lazy so could lead to stackoverflow as that doc.
page says...

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