[Haskell-beginners] Doubts regarding the "read" function.

Venu Chakravorty venuchv at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 07:44:07 UTC 2014

Hello everyone,

I am new to Haskell and this might seem very naive, please bear with me.

Prelude> read "4" + 4
Prelude> (read "4" :: Int) + 4
Prelude> read "hello " ++ "world"
"*** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse
Prelude> (read "hello" :: String) ++ " world"
"*** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse

Could someone please explain why the last two statements don't work?

My understanding is that "read" has a type of "read :: (Read a) => String -> a".
So, "read "hello" " should give me an instance of type "Read" to which I am
appending the string "world" (just like the first 2 cases where I get
an instance of
"Read" ("Int" in this case) to which I am adding another "Int" and I
get a "Num" which
is then displayed). I expected to see "hello world" as the output.

Is it that the type "String" is not an instance of type class "Read"?
Please tell me what
I am missing here.

Venu Chakravorty.

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