[Haskell-beginners] understanding curried function calls

Gesh gesh at gesh.uni.cx
Thu Aug 21 00:14:30 UTC 2014

On 2014-08-20 11:19, Dimitri DeFigueiredo wrote:
> What is the systematic way to evaluate these expressions?
The canonical evaluation of Haskell is given by the Report[0].
Among other things, it gives, in chapter 3, the semantics of Haskell

However, since Haskell's semantics resemble those of lambda calculus[1]
so much, we (or at least I) usually use lambda calculus semantics to
reason about Haskell code, keeping in mind the how Haskell expressions

In our case, the relevant syntactic sugar is that
 > f x = b
is equivalent to
 > f = \x -> b
 > \x y -> b
is equivalent to
 > \x -> \y -> b
and that function application is left-associative. That means that
 > f x y
is equivalent to
 > (f x) y

Returning to your examples, they give us:
 > ex1 = doTwice doTwice -- inlining the definition of doTwice
 >     = (\f x -> f (f x)) doTwice -- beta reduction
 >     = \x -> doTwice (doTwice x) -- inline doTwice
 >     = \x -> doTwice ((\f y -> f (f y)) x) -- beta
 >     = \x -> doTwice (\y -> x (x y)) -- inline doTwice
 >     = \x -> (\f z -> f (f z)) (\y -> x (x y)) -- beta
 >     = \x -> (\z -> (\y -> x (x y)) ((\w -> x (x w)) z)) -- beta
 >     = \x -> (\z -> (\y -> x (x y)) (x (x z))) -- beta
 >     = \x -> (\z -> x (x (x (x z)))) -- combining lambdas
 >     = \x z -> x (x (x z)) -- irreducible
And similarly, combining steps for brevity:
 > -- Proposition:
 > foldl f a xs = foldr (\e g b -> g (f b e)) id bs a
 > -- Proof: By decomposition into constructor cases
 > -- Case []
 > foldl f a [] = a
 > foldr (\e g b -> g (f b e)) id [] a
 >     = (foldr (\e g b -> g (f b e)) id []) a
 >     = id a
 >     = a
 > -- Case (:)
 > -- Induction hypothesis:
 > -- foldl f a xs = foldr (\e g b -> g (f b e)) id xs a
 > -- for all f, a
 > foldl f a (x:xs) = foldl f (f a x) xs
 > foldr (\e g b -> g (f b e)) id (x:xs) a
 >     = (foldr (\e g b -> g (f b e)) id (x:xs)) a
 >     = ((\e g b -> g (f b e)) x (foldr (\e g b -> g (f b e)) id xs)) a
 >     = (\b -> foldr (\e g b -> g (f b e)) id xs (f b x)) a
 >     = foldr (\e g b -> g (f b e)) id xs (f a x)
 >     = foldl f (f a x) xs

Hope this helps,

[0] - https://www.haskell.org/onlinereport/haskell2010/
[1] - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_calculus#Reduction

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