[Haskell-beginners] Using Traversal as a kind of pointer

Daniel Trstenjak daniel.trstenjak at gmail.com
Mon Aug 18 14:03:22 UTC 2014

Hi Elise,

> thanks for your answer. That looks like something that might work -
> however,  having never worked with Optics, I'm not entirely sure
> whether I'm doing it right, getting an error:

oh sorry, there has to be a 'traversed' before the 'filtered'.

> Also, may I ask what the '&' is in your proposed solution?

The '&' is just applying a lens to a variable.

So here's a working example:

   {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
   import Control.Lens
   type Background = Int
   type Lifeform   = Int
   type Player     = Int
   data World = World Background [Lifeform] deriving (Show)
   lifeforms :: Lens' World [Lifeform]
   lifeforms = lens getLifeforms setLifeforms
         getLifeforms (World _ lifeforms)    = lifeforms
         setLifeforms (World bg _) lifeforms = World bg lifeforms
   colliding :: Player -> Traversal' [Lifeform] Lifeform
   colliding player = traversed . filtered (== player)

If you load this into ghci und can write:

   > World 1 [1, 2] & lifeforms . colliding 1 %~ (+ 10)
   > World 1 [11,2]


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