[Haskell-beginners] Feedback on my first, small project (piece).

Henk-Jan van Tuyl hjgtuyl at chello.nl
Tue Aug 5 22:46:12 UTC 2014

On Tue, 05 Aug 2014 22:08:51 +0200, Dominik Bollmann  
<dominikbollmann at gmail.com> wrote:

> The code is available on github: https://github.com/bollmann/Globber
> When writing the program I tried to satisfy the specification as given
> at: http://www.scs.stanford.edu/14sp-cs240h/labs/lab1.html. This Lab
> material btw. also inspired me to try writing such a program :-).
> In order to improve my programming in Haskell, I would love to hear
> feedback from you guys on this first small project of mine. Any comments
> regarding style, used idioms, as well as general and specific code
> improvements are highly appreciated. Thanks!

You could change
matchGlob' :: GlobPattern -> String -> Bool
matchGlob' glob string
   | null glob && null string = True
   | null glob && not (null string) = False
   | null string && glob == "*" = True
   | null string && glob /= "*" = False
matchGlob' (p:ps) (s:sx)
   | p == '?' = matchGlob' ps sx
   | p == '\\' = matchEscapedChar ps (s:sx)
   | p == '*' = matchStar ps (s:sx)
   | p == '[' = matchSet (p:ps) (s:sx)
   | otherwise = p == s && matchGlob' ps sx

matchGlob' :: GlobPattern -> String -> Bool
matchGlob' []       string = null string
matchGlob' glob      []    = glob == "*"
matchGlob' ('?':ps) (s:sx) = matchGlob'       ps sx
matchGlob' ('\\':ps) sx    = matchEscapedChar ps sx
matchGlob' ('*':ps)  sx    = matchStar        ps sx
matchGlob' ('[':ps)  sx    = matchSet   ('[':ps) sx
matchGlob' (p:ps)   (s:sx) = p == s && matchGlob' ps sx

(not tested)

In function buildCharChoices, you have written
   where isRange chars = if (length chars) == 3 && (chars !! 1) == '-' then
, this can be simplified to
   where isRange chars = length chars == 3 && chars !! 1 == '-'

Henk-Jan van Tuyl

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