[Haskell-beginners] better exception handling
Henk-Jan van Tuyl
hjgtuyl at chello.nl
Thu Oct 24 22:09:14 UTC 2013
On Wed, 23 Oct 2013 23:11:32 +0200, Miro Karpis
<miroslav.karpis at gmail.com> wrote:
> Please, can you help me with following?... I have a working code but am
> not
> very happy with the error handling in "updateStocks" function. It does
> what
> it should, but I would like to implement some kind of guards. Problem is
> that it always ends it some error + am not sure if I can use guards in
> inside defined variable. Pls. what would you suggest?
> httpExceptionHandler :: HttpException -> IO L.ByteString
> httpExceptionHandler e = (putStrLn "Error: simpleHttp returned
> exception")
> >> (return L.empty)
> getStocks :: String -> IO L.ByteString
> getStocks url = (simpleHttp url) `X.catch` httpExceptionHandler
> updateStocks :: IO String
> updateStocks = do
> yqlResult <- getStocks testQuery
> case yqlResult of x | x == L.empty -> return "return exception"
> | otherwise -> return "here I will call
> another function"
I think you need to give more details to say anything about this. What is
the indication that there is nothing more to download?
I have some suggestions for code improvement:
- you use more parentheses than necessary, download hlint from hackage, it
can suggest improvements
- the code:
> case yqlResult of x | x == L.empty -> return "return exception"
> | otherwise -> return "here I will call another
> function"
can be simplified to:
> if yqlResult == L.empty then return "return exception"
> else return "here I will call another function"
or even:
> return if yqlResult == L.empty then "return exception"
> else "here I will call another function"
Henk-Jan van Tuyl
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