[Haskell-beginners] monads do not fit together?
Kees Bleijenberg
k.bleijenberg at lijbrandt.nl
Mon Oct 14 11:51:30 UTC 2013
The program belows reads the get fields 'un' and 'ip'. If these get fields
both exist, the program modifies a firewall script.
The problem is in cgiMain.
The error at the problem line is: parse error on input `<-'
If I move the line above the 'if' I get: Couldn't match expected type `CGIT
IO t0' with actual type `IO [String]'.
How can I extract values from the IO [String] monad in cgiMain? I don't want
to alter the type of runRefreshFirewall.
module Main(
import Network.CGI
import Text.XHtml
import Text.XHtml.Transitional
import Data.Maybe
runRefreshFirewall :: String -> String -> IO [String]
runRefreshFirewall un ip = do
return ["test" ]
inputCgiOkPage :: String -> String -> [String] -> Html
inputCgiOkPage un ip msgs = body << h1 << ("IP: " ++ (show ip))
undefinedFieldsPage :: Html
undefinedFieldsPage = body << h1 << "Undefined Fields"
cgiMain :: CGI CGIResult
cgiMain = do
maybeUn <- getInput "un"
maybeIp <- getInput "ip"
if ((isJust maybeUn) && (isJust maybeIp)) then
msgs <-runRefreshFirewall (fromJust maybeUn) (fromJust
maybeIp) -- problem
output $ renderHtml $ inputCgiOkPage (fromJust maybeUn)
(fromJust maybeIp) msgs
output $ renderHtml undefinedFieldsPage
main :: IO ()
main = runCGI $ handleErrors cgiMain
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